Singing and Reading Both

It's worse than it looks, in fact. She's got terrifying hair in it too—looks like they shaved her head bald and stuck Mullally's hairpiece from "Will & Grace" in its place. Perhaps Messing won't perform without having it near her.
Really too bad—I love Davis so much, even as Judy Garland in that bad TV biopic. And

albert brooks
Where's he searching for comedy these days?

I got it—I consider us PREfirsties.

The memory alone made him tremble.

I'm sure people come here for a variety of reasons, and are receptive to mentions of our personal lives in varying degrees. I would say that some of us enjoy getting a sense for what the people behind the monikers are like and some don't care—fine. I personally don't enjoy some of the jokes around here but I move

And Dan said that a person's life might be enriched by being a fan of the song. I think that's fair enough, and if you pay attention, you'll find you're wrong in saying that no one wants to hear anything personal around here—isn't that part of the reason people spend a lot of time here, because sometimes people

I love that song. I try to put on mixes to sell people on the Smos Bros, but it rarely takes hold.

Film festival, y'all!

He's too humble to let me grill him about his movies, so basically it's not your most verbal of encounters. Hey buddy, you asked.

advice from Butch
"Don't ever hit your mother with a shovel. It will leave a dull impression on her mind. "

You need Vodka Sauce, hombre.

Sometimes he appears in a toga in my mind—sorry, Paul, I can't help that.

try the veal: that was cool of you. As for the Andy Griffith Show theme—that's one of my all-time favorite shows and its theme makes me feel safe and delighted, just like the show itself. I don't think it's an addiction to celebrity that makes us pay attention to these deaths, it's almost always an honest connection

I'm gonna break my leg trying to do the high hurdles because I'll never get over Skipper's death.

my 7th winter up here!
Nights in Rodanthe…
Never reaching the end
Comments I've written
Never meaning to click 'submit comment'

Finally I've found the first Musil thread! I'm preparing to write my dissertation on the use of humor in Musil's writing in this novel. The tip about just reading the first volume is well-taken: the work as a whole is well over 1,000 pages and it's a fragment! Oh Musil…your book killed you.

Riiiiiight, delete?

As always, you have a point, Miller—so few people have both a considerable talent for addressing and potentially FIXING sticky, non-sexy problems and as much visibility and credibility as Nadar, and I'm sure it could be used elsewhere to great effect. But it's not as though he's not accomplishing his goals as a

Thanks, S—I can't help but feel that even haters of his political activities should have a basic foundation of respect for Nader. The guy's the opposite of a glory-seeker.

credibility-stretching character names
Sailor Ripley
Little Junior Brown
Dr. Stanley Goodspeed
Castor Troy
Cameron Poe
Johnny Blaze
plus my fave, Memphis Raines