Singing and Reading Both

Joel Gray in that film takes my breath away—what impressed me about the film is the take it does on musicals by addressing grave situations yet delivering on the very sincere sense of wonder that can be engendered by musical fantasy.

I saw that Zapruder thing—soo overrated! Its shock value barely registers nowadays. Someone ought to do a remake.

How would do you weigh in on the dance?

I'm not surprised at how well you sold that—you could sell a ketchup Popsicle to a woman in white gloves!

Phel, the fact that you love Tommy boy…I don't know how to express…*chokes back sob*…

In Soviet Russia, tattoo gets YOU!

Don't worry, phel—you're still the resident fox!

Come on, Eric, Pilgrim will at least be in a supporting role on the side of the good guys in the fight against the trolls! My guess is that Lobsters 1 will be the grump that they convince to fight alongside them, teaching him a lot about friendship and a little about love.
I can only imagine the movie ending in a

Best joke so far.

He even played a forgettable Jackson in that movie…how talented a singer could he be?

She'll burn to death
What about Sister Rose in our all-time fave flick "The Wicker Man"? She was pretty awful and evil, what with her lying to students and eventual pro-bees stance and all.

You're quite correct, MC—more of a half-circle, really. That circle won't be complete until the entirely necessary 'PCU II: The Drozzening' comes out!

I think it's fair to assume he had some awful professorial qualities given that he was a narrow-minded blowhard at home, who failed to teach his son to develop his own opinions. Plus the point that Winger just made.

for those who like a hot maggie smith flick
"The Prime of Ms. Jean Brodie"? She was a big ole fascist!

Good one. Though I did think that role featured a lesser Daniels. You should really watch "101 Dalmations" or "The Butcher's Wife."

were you guys making an effort to keep these short?
Long inventory, it makes sense. I just wanted to hear more about Ed Rooney. He's got a sort of Dirty Harry appeal.
Plus I thought you might mention the fact that Piven gets to come full circle from his PCU days with an "uptight asshole dean determined to vanquish

Paul F. Tompkins as Shane's creepy Christian teacher on 'Weeds.'

I don't know!

That's pronounced "ahs-WEE-pay"!

Oh, you're outta that one? Just give me the old sea captain.