Singing and Reading Both

You know what's fun? Saying "apple pucker-drinking motherfucker" out loud.

coffee and cigarettes
Coogan was funny, but given the choice, I'd kill him and bang+marry Molina.

Hey Scott, was your theater manager similar to the guy in the clip, all posh and at a loss to prevent the onslaught of supernatural creatures?

P.S. Scott: it's "Tropic Thunder." Wish I'd liked Coogan's acting in it more than I did.

Get out of my way, you square!

That was the only part of the interview I was amused by. Face the Rainn!

You're right about the period switch, Pilgrim, thought they did film at Elsinore castle.

I really think Jorge said it best.

Just when I think I'm beginning to weary of the comments sections…you guys PULL ME BACK IN!

I don't understand what's not to like about Titus Andronicus, or Titus for that matter. The film does a great job of pointing out how we crave violence in our cultural products (and always have as a species), how it amps up the thematic content.
The story is set up so that the characters have to develop and operate

Dammit…I was gonna make a "Capt. Corelli's Mississippi Mandolin" joke…now it won't seem totally awesome at all.

I had an Oscar party this year (yeah, lame, whatever, I know) full of chicks, and we couldn't agree about anything except Javier Bardem. To a person, we were all blown away by his sexiness. GodDAMN. So excited for this movie, the point of which is to ogle hot people and listen to their hot problems. For once I'm

what am i going to do with a handful of putty?
The writers made an excellent point about the McDLT-like split between comedy and tragedy in my favorite Woody Allen movie, Crimes and Misdemeanors, and I'm convinced that the movie succeeds so well because of this balance. I know it's not the same premise, but I bet he

Cello in the marching band = one of the best visual gags ever in the history of film ever ever.

Dan, I agree with your entire statement and would like to add that the clip they provide from Match Point is the exact moment when I KNEW I at least half-hated that movie. Revolting dialogue delivered cluelessly. So sad, given the perhaps unmatched list of luminous and fascinating roles Allen has given to terrific

There is no better time to throw around the word nebbish than in a Woody Allen primer. THAT'S 101 material.

get it right
Uh, it's LeAnn Rimes, not Leeanne Rimes. Shows what you know, AVC.

It's just weird
I just checked my queue and it says the status of the next movie to be shipped is "processing", whatever that means in terms of it actually getting to me. But I notice that the movie they're shipping jumped several spots in my queue and that the movie formerly at number 2 is just missing.
I love you,

I love chef like a person
and I'm grateful to Parker and Stone for bringing this guy's talent out of nostalgia territory for the world to love once again. That was some indelible performance right there, Mr. Hayes.

Ok, I'll do another: