Singing and Reading Both

I love loave lurve LA Story, Roxanne and 3 Amigos.
Shopgirl was ok but I found it overwrought. The pensive male's idea of a quirky young girl's worldview. And the fact that her name was "Mirabelle Butterfield" is just hurlworthy, I'm afraid—sounds just like a name that marketers at Mattel would attach to a fairy

Miller, I'd like to buy your rock.

I went to the trouble of pretending to be a girl—no way I'm showing you my balls.

@Phony Pope: you won't be sorry.

Hey, lay off Chevy Chase, you punks! Dude spent his whole childhood being whaled on or locked in a closet. At least he gave the world something, unlike most rich assholes.
Whatever their origins, I think Moran and Rogan would make a capitol film that I'd see several times, Pilgrim. With a shillelagh in me bonny

I was waiting for that, Jorge!

Bought it, counting on its rewatchability. Was not disappointed.

Is it fair to say that NE got cool when Uptown got all yipster-ier-than-thou?

Not all of those guys are short. I'm against your survey.

Ah, I'm more northerly and sadly grew up in the 'burbs. I worked at the original location of Bridgeman's in Columbia Heights for two years—this is before Northeast was cool, btw.
Due to crappy management (from the top, though I'm sure my supervisor smoking crack in his office didn't help things), I think most if not

Rimbaud II: Let's See How YOU Like It, Verlaine!


Still Bloodin' First!

I would almost rather take my chances with the musical whims of coffee house employees than deal with Muzak channels used in restaurants. I have worked in plenty and man alive—I mean, the three months I spent working at an Olive Garden almost made me hate Dean Martin and that is no mean feat.
I also worked

Cap'n, my brain is wired to make that mistake every time. I absolutely know better, yet I still picture Benson.

Is there such a thing as a baristo? One would think.

YES! My favorite commentary track of all time. The drunken Orgazmo commentary did not live up to it. I love how at the beginning Parker's pointing out subtle references to Rogers and Hammerstein and by the end they're all just wasted (hammersteined?), screaming "WHISKEY BUZZ IS THE BEST BUZZ IN THE WORLD!" and then

I got my DVD set of Monty Python episode from some sort of Korean distributor (saved me a lot of money) and it's covered in golden characters that I like to imagine to be hilarious translations like "I'm a feller of tall pines and my virtue is unassailable!"
P.S. Who wants to come to my racism party this weekend?

Cary Grant for sure!

I wish it had been that Crossroads. I wish I couldn't tell you anything about his performance in the Spears vehicle. Sigh.