Singing and Reading Both

Lucky Number Sle7en scarred me with its seeming intentness on being exactly as fucking stupid as it wanted to be. Defiantly stupid would be the correct label, I suppose.

Oooooh, defend DCRJ's honor much, Pilgrim?

It's south to drop off, north to pick up!

Is there a case to be made that Joel mainly appeals to teenagers, and that continued affection is mainly nostalgic? Nothing wrong with that if it's true—I just know I could not stop playing The Stranger and a few of his other early albums when I was about 15 and now it never occurs to me to like or revisit him.

I thought it was funny, Jorge.

Meadows? I wanna see some bitterness up there on that screen.

Thanks for attaching that link—enjoyed the review.

Neal, will you be hilarious again if I murder your child? Because it's not too high a price.

I said "eww" when I watched it on Extras, too.

I laughed, PPS. I wish people would preface all statements to me with: "Lady, let me tell you something…" in a Cagian manner. The world would instantly become 50-75% awesomer.


Plus, he's one of Seinfeld's best friends (did I learn that from "The Aristocrats"?) so I imagine that the two of them worked it out in a mutually satisfactory way.
Which sounds dirty, but not hot.

I also enjoy Midnight Run. It renders my dad apoplectic with laughter. He loves to say "Now here come two words for you: Shut the fuck up."

That's goddamn adorable.

There are some clips on youtube—it may actually be better than you remember.

People mostly don't get Lancelot Link jokes. I mean, I'm sure a lot of people here do, but whenever I say "OHH, LAAAAAANCE!" I never get a laugh. Come on! That show was the best!

@Rationalist: I like it!

You guys are just jealous cuz Tasha's hella cool.

That was new to me, thanks. I shall be quoting the lines "Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze aren't the kind of professional chameleons who disappear into roles. On the contrary, roles disappear into them."

I'm in, Mr. McGovern, as long as you're not asking me to have acid-induced abortions.