Singing and Reading Both

Verdict: bums are wise and Gore Vidal is prissy.

The book was the first Verne I read and I was sold for life—yet somehow I've never watched the '59 flick, so thanks, I'll get on that!

He's like the Nicolas Cage of acting.

That movie's on Netflix Watch Instantly…catch you guys in 101 minutes!

Oh, Fierce Creatures. The vanity…

I'd like to respond to Jorge con Salsa way up above with the following: totally, dude, right?
No seriously—I don't find FOTC episodes all that funny. Just the songs, give or take Kristen Schaal.

Haha—good call on the the clothing, staircar1.

Fargo? Hmmm
I guess there is a bit of a cold snap but mostly it just happens during a normal MN winter, and the tension builds from the unrelenting nature of such weather exacerbating the characters' troubles, the brutality of the crimes, etc. (though maybe that was your point).
I was just talking about that movie

speaking of heat
It warms my heart to see 12 Angry Men and Inherit the Wind (2 of my 3 favorite movies, pick a bone with me if you must) on this list. Guess I sought out the heat wave flicks during long winters growing up in Minnesota.

I'd also accept cigarettes.

do you guys have any cigarattes?
It's be a lot cooler if you did.

Goldmeister, I don't want to do harm to you, please…

'99 holla!

Once my brother and his friend found a dude in our local (suburban) phonebook named "Guy Hole" and mades jokes about the name for months. Then my brother was invited to visit one of those odd private men's clubs called the Sons of Norway (it's a Minnesota thing) and he was introduced to none other than Guy Hole. I

In that's it's little more than a punchline?

there should be a word stronger than 'hate'
for the way I feel about Train.

best/worst character name ever?
Griff Tannen.

I always thought Pilgrim was a giant lesbian!

Missing top model?
Anyone else having trouble with the title? Why search for ladies who've misplaced their blouses? And how is that not just softcore porn?

NS, you suck for saying those scenes suck.