Singing and Reading Both

This about the director of "Runaway Bride"? Bite your tongue, phel.

Pockets, that was funny.

i also really dig this movie
and I was hoping that along with the music there might be a mention of the visual motifs—especially those pretty, colorful interstitials that remind me of Morris Louis' Veil Cycle. The whole movie looks wonderful, but I guess that goes without saying with PTA.

There's a paragraph that starts out "Reilly is alternated cursed and blessed"—you mean "alternately?"

…I sure love "Born to Run"…

I'd also settle for Portraits.

this inventory
makes me long for more Portaits of Awesomeness.

Comic: Elvis: alive or dead?

Ever notice that there's practically no context in which to use the word "actually" without sounding like a know-it-all douche?

celia's prison makeover
Best part of the episode.

Phel, what I really want is to hang out with Dan Aykroyd's character in "Sneakers." Is that weird?

my name is Werner Brandes. My voice is my passport. Verify Me.
I've always wondered if Cross' track listings on SUYFB each refer to the kind of shitty routine one expects from *specific* comics (some are pretty pointed, others could be used to describe more than one person's crappy comedy stylings)—I was hoping you

Of course, they went lower-tech for the film adaptation, "5-Blade Runner Turbo Champion Power Xtreme Subzero Platinum, With Two Lubricating Strips."

Carlin talked about daily minutiae but he was also spent a lot of time on some of stand-up/life's bigger topics (religion, sex, etc.) and I think sometimes it's easy to tune out of his essayistic method of discussing these basic-yet-infinitely-mine-able areas because they are so basic. This does not mean that his

The only universal today is how happy I get every time I hear Carlin's voice. It's an atheistic blessing.

Arguably the better david spade cameo
is as the video store clerk in the correctly unappreciated Jason Biggs vehicle "Loser." He tells Biggs to rent "Simon Birch" instead of "The Piano" as he will look studlier in comparison to Birch than Keitel. "That dude is like 90% weiner."

Yes! Great one.

He was in more than one scene. There's the one where he meets Bob Roberts and the vigils later, plus probably more I'm forgetting now. But I love that movie and love seeing it mentioned.


I'm at the Continental. Come over one day; we'll paint it.