Singing and Reading Both

God, Flea rules…

Second on "Wild at Heart." Super quotable.

Ooh, Mourning, good call on the memorable voice inflections—no one sounded like Carlin before Carlin and no one has succeeded in being like him since. RIP.

Yes! Cabin Boy NCC! God DAMN, I enjoy that movie.
Honestly, Cabin Boy, Garofalo, Hurt and Stockwell? This list is like some kind of personal dream team for me. Great inventory.

Ready for the nerdiness? I shared a notebook with my best friend in middle school in which we wrote our own Top 10 lists featuring hilarious topics such as our teachers, icky boys in our classes and cafeteria lunch. We cracked ourselves up back then…then she hit the drugs pretty hard. Seriously.

I'm with you, Claude. Remember that ridiculous "Theatre Stories" sketch he used to do where the guests were all old British actors telling crazy stage anecdotes and he would get so constipatedly British that he'd be upside down in his chair? I loved stuff like that—it was well-written and completely unlike anything

You certainly do. I love her as Muriel Blandings.

2046 is gorgeous. I wish I could watch it right now.

Pilgrim, I was with you until DeLillo. Still…keep the faith, Roth-wise.

I cannot believe my lamebrained OTW joke spawned this rad discussion. I win this thread!

I still don't know where I saw that one thing I saw that one time like 24 years ago. It might have been on TV.

on the waterfront
is good. That's right, world! Deal with my maverick sensibility! I have also noticed that Brando's late output did not quite live up to the standard set by his earlier films! Wanna make something of it?

hey, wolinsky
Your interviews are really entertaining and genial. Keep it up!

Aw, man…
That steak looked pretty good. What, is this guy some kinda angry animal or something?

I think he should find a part where he plays an unlikely father with a highly public career of some sort, who by reconsidering his priorities and learning to raise a young woman…also learns how to be a better man.

Don't even try to weasel out of including "Mr. Nanny" on that list.

That thing about the original casting of "Bad Boys" is a joke, right?

That's a stupid, simplistic view of comedy, Jeni. You weren't exactly edgy yourself, sir, and death hasn't made you edgier.

I like to picture that video as performed by two Malkoviches with long hair, acoustic guitars and open shirts.

Hey, to be fair, sometimes they exist when Theo Huxtable needs a job mentoring vulnerable urban youth.