Singing and Reading Both

That's all.

I prefer Ms. Koski every day of the week. Seriously—let her do a column instead of Gillette.

I love all of you, I may put your names in a locket and carry them near my heart forever.

I like this idea so much that I kind of think that all the actors interviewed for this feature should just talk about how much they enjoy the various performances of Rip Torn.

Keleigh3000, Rachael Ray probably leaves the house at 3 in the morning to go to one of her three or four jobs. How's your stupid domestic fantasy look now?

Well, I got 2ndsies when Josh "AV Club Bigwig" got in before me, so I replied to his comment to say it didn't hurt me when he came in first…oh, but it did. MODEEEEEEEELLLLLLL!!!
No, honestly, I'm one of those "firsties are lame" people, but I also read the AV Club way more than is healthy, often late at night.

Whoa whoa WHOA. Let's just watch what we say about Dabney Coleman.
Just kidding, say what you like. But he's all right with me.

I'm not a Firsties Type anyway. But it was great—this is the kind of article everyone wants to see plenty of. Sean's a good man, and thorough.
I like that Tambor's always been a huge fan of "that other actress." Seriously though, he seems pretty awesome.

Next time
Make it all about Mr. Mom.

Hey, Varnado! I used to see him perform in Minneapolis! Neat.

I prefer it with the typo.

I Love Luftwaffe

BINGO!!! 7CS, you are amazing, thanks so much! How did I never make the Idle connection? There's an episode on youtube and everything! Oh, I'm just delighted…

i know it didn't just happen in my mind
I was gonna ask the AV Club about this, but I'll just try my luck here—does anyone remember a short-lived sitcom about an uptight older guy (I can't remember if he was a father, grandfather or even a butler character) who died and was haunting his family and therein lay the

Dragnet—now THERE'S a film that doesn't get enough attention.

I like having him around so David Cross can feud with him, though—that is some funny business.

Maya, that was gorgeous. I'm both moved and hungry.

Dude, not cool. I for one think your mom is quite handsome. Now you apologize.

Stay gold, Banmar.

Orangutank, your comedy kung fu beats mine…though it's a little hard to make out whether it's an "m" or a "b".