Singing and Reading Both

So I ran down and I said, in her good ear, "Debbie, why'd you do it?" She raised her head, smiled, and said "I - I did it for Johnny." Johnny? Well like who's Johnny? Answer me, Debbie, who's Johnny? Does anybody here know Johnny? Are you Johnny? There was one guy named Johnny but he was a total geek, he always had

ahem *pushes comedy nerd glasses higher on bridge of nose*
Really, A.V. Club! There are FAR better lines from "King Tut" you might have chosen to demonstrate its hilarious historical inaccuracies. I point to:
Exhibit A: "Married with a donkey"
Exhibit B: "Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia"
Exhibit C: "Buried in his

New one on me, too—thanks!


But the radiation…what will it do to his still-beautiful face?

I think I'm the only person in the world for whom that movie didn't do much, including Leo's performance. But then, I haven't seen it in years. Maybe I'd have given it another shot if it hadn't been followed of years of bullhonky like "Titanic," "Man in the Iron Mask" and "The Beach."
Or maybe I just hate the

My favorite part of WOTW came at the end, after we watched the world's major cities bombed and stages of invasion menace the planet, and then Tom Cruise brought his kids to their mom in Boston where everything was intact and completely normal-looking.

Spielberg's name means "play mountain." Perhaps he feels that topographical features are his to control according to his whims?

This was the first movie starring DiCaprio which forced me to admit that he's not a worthless actor. Then I saw "The Departed" and couldn't take my eyes off him. Maybe Spielberg should get some credit for turning him good?

I hate it when I undermine myself by typing too fast. I prefer to make that happen with my lame entries.

You know who's a fmale comeduc treasure? MelissaW! Where's her kudos? Besides here in this post?

when i read killing joke
I assumed it came from the Python sketch with the joke so funny it literally kills everyone who learns it. Too obvious?

About the nuclear testing bit—yeah, it's a little disheartening to see Indy get himself out of all those scrapes with the knowledge that he'll surely be ravaged by cancer within a few years.

Hey, about le Beouf—does this mean that Christy Carlson Romano is Indy's daughter? Because I will never seen Le Beouf's face and not think of him as Louis Stevens.

Fight Club? Masterpiece? Surely I saw another movie of the same name.

Is IS like Alive!
Btw I'm always surprised at how many Columbus residents post here. We ashould all get drunk in the same place sometime and compare notes.

has amy linker done anything else?
Sigh…if only there were some repository of information about actors and their work where I could look it up. Guess I'll never know.

God damn I love "Muppets Take Manhattan." Makes me wanna move to NYC and live in a locker at the bus station.

I look forward to the sequel, "my son, my son, my son"
Starring Fred MacMurray.

If only Hamlet had had LPB's clarity—that play would've been like 2 hours shorter.