Singing and Reading Both

Did someone just mention "Oscar"? I don't care if it was sarcastic. I think that movie's fun.

i like to see larry miller turn up in anything
Also, I assume that when Scott refers to razor-sharp buddy comedy banter, he is thinking of "Tommy Boy," given that it's the undisputed zenith of the genre.

that settles it
The shitty thesis I'm working on right now is being submitted under the name Alan Smithee.

Awwww…but I wanted some jetsam!

I dig this feature
Love those songs, you made my night. Thanks!

She's not in it—she was just there in the audience.

Or how about the fact that there are a bunch of young people or middle-aged people with good senses of humor (i.e. my parents) in Sioux Falls, Minneapolis, Lincoln, whatever who will watch and love Conan? I really can't understand the stereotypes that get bandied about regarding people from the Midwest. We

Oooooh, Jay, good call.

Is this theory based on your husband, madam?

I still can't listen to "Number 9." Nor "Fitter Happier" by Radiohead.

whoa whoa whoa
Let's ease up on the first two Look Who's Talking movies. They're more likeable than you might remember.

Dammit…I know how to spell "beautiful."

You must've been a beautful monkey…

disposable: agreed
Not their best episode of late, but I thought Jim's shameless begging for that paper account, pandering golf game, etc. so that he could look good for Pam's parents seemed like the beginning of an effort on the show's part to let us know that their relationship was going to require Jim to compromise

At my college graduation some student speaker sang "Man in the Mirror" to the whole crowd. He's a broadcaster now…I hope he still breaks it out sometimes.

Y'alls a bunch of negative nellies
This could be fun. The only downside is that it will prevent Dave Attell from doing genius standup every night.

Not everything can be the Heliand, dude.

George C. Scott, I for one love "Angus" and I love you in it.

Shpadoinkle interview
Whether or not one likes this guy or his movies or his philosophies, this was one of the most engaging interviews I've read in a long, long time, so thanks. Made me want to see more Troma films.
That said, this guy could cold-cock a baby in front of me and I'd still love him a little for

They're huge and they're sting-crazy!