Singing and Reading Both

Mr. Rabin, of all the writers here at JFK High school…you're my favorite
Olympia Dukakis, with 2 Ks instead of 3. Please fix this so this comment makes me look mental.

Timonator, you forgot to document the moment when Oprah explodes when confronted with taking sides in the divorce.

I remember "Ishtar," baby. If you don't believe me. check out the wardrobe of love in my eyes.

Oh, Henderson Valley Eggs…we're gonna love your eggs.

My question also.

Wonder how Ron Johnson stays employed these days.

I liked Keanu in "My Very Personal Oklahoma."

"The Eye" came out a few weeks ago and starred Jessica Alba (and looks equally underserving of our time)—is that what you were thinking of?

Agree agree agree about "Virgin Suicides": "It didn't matter than they were girls…it only mattered that we had loved them."
Is there any way to respond to that other than screaming FUUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOOUUU at the screen and throwing a shoe? If so, I've not explored it. Haaaaaate.

I'm writing a book about Jason Bateman's career aside from "Arrested Development." I call it "Thankless but Brilliant."

James Franco does not look like a "Saul" to me.
Anyway, I'm totally seeing this.

I'm also with Handlen—I think this will stick out as a favorite entry for me.

love Atmosphere, but…
Is it just me or does the above clip sound almost parodically similar to Red Hot Chili Peppers? Except the lyrics make sense?

It's all going in my report
I'd like to take a moment to show some sweet sweet love for the man who made me love two of the best movies on this list (for me): Christopher Lloyd. I know this is not a controversial comment, but $%^&, people. Christopher Lloyd gave us Taxi, all three BTTFs, both wonderful Addams Family

My 7th winter up here!

Dude's mad as hell.

…which, in fact, succeeded in raping our childhood love for dinosaurs?

Ooh, side note: my friend was just in a wedding where Mandy Patinkin was a guest. She was eating something in the kitchen where the reception was being held, and he walked in, didn't speak to her, grabbed her napkin, wiped his mouth, crumpled it and tossed it in top of the plate of food she was still eating. So it

September of '87.

By the by
NICE use of the word "melismatics."