Singing and Reading Both

Is the Buscemi subplot a "Frankenstein" reference? I haven't seen this movie since its theatrical release. For the record, I remember finding it irritating but all my friends down to a person thought I was a stick in the mud.

gold, jerry, gold!
Did anyone see that Jim Gaffigan appearance on Conan or some show a few weeks ago? It was perhaps a 10-minute rant about bacon with nary a good joke. I hate that fucking guy—does he know he's Kenny Bania?

i missed darryl this episode
What's the basis for guessing that Mindy Kaling's anti-dude? I don't mean for that to sound crabby—I honestly don't know. I'm a huge fan of hers and think her blog and her writing are enchanting, so maybe I'm a little oblivious to potential criticisms thereof and stuff.

Yay, I'm not crazy! Glad you heard it, too.

I'm lame
Are you ever into a movie in such a personal way that you quote it mainly to yourself as a private joke? I'm that way about "Mr. Mom". Every time there's any chance of me or someone else driving the wrong direction I think: "You're doing it wrong! South to drop off, north to pick up!"

My brother and I laughed at that "Yodas and shit" jokes for a full ten minutes once as children. We had to leave the room we were in because it recalled the hilarity of the joke too much and we couldn't breathe. Trey Wilson RIP.

I remember very distinctly being pulled into this movie when I saw it (Uptown Theatre in Mpls, opening weekend, my senior year of high school with a bunch of friends) and I have nothing really negative to say about it—but I think my real feelings about the movie have been replaced by a huge retroactive affection for

Ba, I'm going to start doing that with the cocksucking line whose merit still escapes me:

Are you thinking of the movie "Hook?"

Cam, help me understand how the dialogue you cite is evidence of anything good.

Top of the queue…AJR, I feel really close to you right now.

Touche…if that movie is real I'm so Netflixing it.

What WON'T I watch for William Hurt?

What a shitty circus.

idea for this feature
Not that anyone asked: The Boy With Green Hair. Little Dean Stockwell in his days as a plucky child actor is a war orphan living with a creepy Lucky-Charms-accented dude he calls Gramps. He wakes up one day with completely green hair and has to face off with a whole town full of people who

you guys are gonna lambast me for this, but
I love the songs and have a lot of trouble getting into the shows. Kristen Schaal is awesome and I'm a fan of the music, but the stuff with the manager recalls "Extras" a little too strongly for me, in a weakened-through-imitation kinda way, and while there are funny

Bob Odenkirk talking = sometimes funny, Bob Odenkirk yelling = as funny as it gets.

How funny is it that probably no one under 25 remembers pogs yet ALF hangs on in a "remember the 80s" kinda way? They should redub that episode so that Milhouse says "Pogs are back—in ALF form."

Dave Nelson and his robot buddy, fightin' crime!

Rip Torn, anyone?