Singing and Reading Both

Dave Foley: "Noo! Come back! I *really* wanna be your friend! I'm *so* lonely…"
You guys don't know me yet. No way was I serious.

Everything you say is true, but AoJJ made for a very strange cinema experience for me. Lots of loooooong moments with the comments just made by a character hanging in the air, doing things to your mind. It was interesting and I actually liked most everything about the movie and what it felt like to watch it, but

Whatever, I say Mike's right and you're all lost.

Hey, any chance the "saying the numbers out loud" thing was a joke? I know Jews aren't super well-acquainted with humor as a culture, I'm just spitballin' here.

I'm sure the moment has passed, but I want to give Wangholio credit for a hilarious joke (a sentence I don't type enough).

Come on, guys! Dude was a revelation as "Party Guest" in Working Girl! Philistines.

I can't believe no one ever talks about how Tapthatass' wife Ima was denied her Ph.D. from the same institution when Reginald got his b/c she was a woman. She also may have contributed research on his 1905 Hot or Not theories. Fucking patriarchal history books.

Yes yes yes!

I do like some Of Montreal in the summertime. Like, I dunno, "Oslo In the Summertime."

"Adorable Dick Bandanna's" should be the name of a rib joint.


You remain unconvinced that a nation of young girls of color does not reach hopefully for the coattails of Asisan reporter Trisha Takanawa? Cynical bastard.

EOE-hired, Jorge? Because otherwise a dead-eyed female hairdo/newsreader would be out-bimboed by a dead-eyed man with an equally giant hairdo? I certainly agree that TV news is worthless (unless one can manage to find entertainment value) but what's the point of mentioning this? Seems like misdirected antagonism in

Agreed on Mos Def, but I still have hope for the future.

I sort of agree with Leppo. I think that earlier, Jan had nutty moments, and it was sort of charming that she couldn't keep herself from wanting Michael, but in this episode, she was so stratospherically wacko that we couldn't even sympathize with her for having to put up with him. Those two each need to have an

Fair enough—he does have chunks of guys like Brando in his stool.

James, I thought for a frightening moment that you thought Reynolds' "depth" was nowhere near Burns'. Then I took a breath and reread. We're cool now.

Will do, buddy.

You mean because they were prone to being femmy?

I'll take the guy in the t-shirt
And you take the Great Flesh-eating Creature of Andor.