Singing and Reading Both


I love you guys for being all over that reference—I always assumed it would come off as a really lame handle to those who didn't know it (and I like to confine impressions of lameness to my personality). "Broadcast News" is one of my very favorite movies—glad I now know never to quote it to Brooks.

Rowan & Martin, I think you guys are biased when it comes to "Laugh-In"'s quality.

I have some old audio track from the days of free Napster with Kevin saying, "Hi, I'm Kevin McDonald, otherwise known as "the Kid in the Hall we don't like." Au contraire, beautiful Kevin.

A welcome respite in a world with far too few menopause kneeslappers.
That is funny, actually.

I once read a comment of his in an interview that I think about pretty often. He said (and I think this came from him but he may have been quoting someone) that in comedy, there are people who say funny things, and people who say things funny. He's the latter.

Maybe Kevin? Never not funny.

I'm really grateful for this interview, seriously.

fucking yay!
I was just posting about these geniuses on the Primer thread and now this!

Looking through Turturro's credits on IMDB, I just learned that he played Monkeybone in "Monkeybone." You know, I LURVE loaf loff Turturro, but between performances in awesome movies he has this occasional propensity to crop in projects that bear resemblence to movies but aren't really to be mistaken as such. I

Howard Beale: everything you say and probably everything you've ever said is correct.
wafejio: fine by me.

from here to eternity
Sinatra won an Oscar for better-than-serviceable work and was excellent in all those musicals he did with Gene Kelly. I vote for higher accolades than "amicable acquittal."
Also, Scarjo can suck it.

No love for Raymond Burr?

Yup—the puppy-suckling Clinton sketch is in the beginning of the first episode.

Like the picture
It makes the chips look EXTREEEEME!

I had a high school teacher who taught college-level writing and whose favorite word was POYG-nant. She pronounced the G, just plain as day and then just said "nent." It was like fingernails on a chalkboard—I cringe just thinking about it.

Or maybe I posted my comment a minute after that one in the middle of last night and Mr. Tobias responded to the above one the next morning. Either way, I'm glad he addressed it.

What does Krasinski know about hideous men?
My favorite part of the interview (or how it came out after editing) was when he dropped the name of his directorial debut and then Herr Tobias unflinchingly maneuvered back to questions about "The Office". Nice work, sincerely.

Sweet, there's a novelization of the Bible now—I'll be over at Amazon, y'all.

I was thinking about the sketch w/John Goodman where he was a producer or something for the Soylent Green movies, being interview about horrible sequels they concocted. The highlight is Phil Hartman's winning attempts to bring that Heston gusto to the lines "They didn't change the recipe like they said they were