Singing and Reading Both

Isn't it an audio version?

Pullman's great in Zero Effect, Spaceballs and, may I add, has another nice, more subdued turn in The Accidental Tourist.

Someone told me she had a half-assed accent in the first movie and then none after that. Confirmation?

Cleve, I mostly agree with you, but more than that, I laughed really fucking hard at the end of your comment. Both times.

Second on The Apostle. ROBERT DUVALL!

Agreed on Panic Room—he's one of the only parts of that movie I remember at all.

"didja..didja clean the gun, son?"
Man alive, "Brain Candy" is the most depressing funny movie ever. I love it so much. "Life is short, life is shit, and soon it will be over…"

"Alcoholic Spiderman" is both hilarious and has a beautiful poetic ring.

The scene where he eats all of the Fry Guys is harrowing, yet necessary to the plot.

as performed by james mason
As Mayor of the Altered State of Druggachusetts, I declare this pizza to be awesome!

Ain't nobody says, "I don't like no parfaits."

I saw this while studying abroad, though it was years later, from a Berlin public library, and not in theaters. Still, though, there's something about the movies you watch when your access is limited, that, if you love them, you love them a lot. I was surprised to find that I loved this movie for its intelligent,

Also, the part about the angles of his shots was in the Ebert review already, I think. Buh. Like Lumet, didn't need to read that book.

This is one of my top 3, and when I read in Ebert's review that Lumet discusses in detail how he made the film in his directorial autobiography "Making Movies," I read it.
So in the first third of the film or so, he mainly shoots the jurors from slightly above their sightlines, as though we're in the position of the

There was an elevated train that figured in one of the witness' stories—how long were those around in NYC?

This comment spirals toward an incredible twist turn that parallels my own life
I agree with a lot of the criticism posted so far regarding these guys, but man, South Park and most of their other projects have made me laugh for so long and so well that I'm very happy to forgive them a lot of their pedantic nonsense.

Um, take your pick, P. F. Oswalt, you're dreamy.

What in gay hell?
"To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar" was the shit, y'all. I think of Patrick Swayze as an angel.