
I have three guesses.

On the flash they order the prisoners takeout in a pretty funny deleted scene they showed Caitlyn carting a shit ton of takeout and fast food that the prisoners ordered. Apparently they stick the food down the tube and then close the space. Toilets and bathrooms I'm assuming are behind panels if I'm not mistaken the

To be fair, in the Flash Central City is just coming to terms with metahumans and a regular prison isn't keeping those criminals in. They just now created a police task force to handle metahumans which no one is lining up to join. They have a secret prison but they're not torturing anyone. They feed the prisoners,

Both Jessica and Simpson are dealing with the situation not rationally and through emotion. I don't blame either of them but neither one is really perfect or dealing with the situation rationally. Jessica doesn't have a real plan in mind and just winging it at this point but Simpson didn't help matters by interfering,

I think the joke is that Matt came up with the name "DareDevil" but he obviously he can't admit that and he's too embarrassed to admit that he did.

Yea "Arrow" is the Batman of the DC TV verse, they use quite a few Batman minor villains and Ollie is just an overall brooding badass, not the wise cracking hero that he's known to be. It's a good show but not entirely faithful to the comics with the exception of having Arsenal, the Black Canary and Merlyn.

Leland's death was similar to Wesley's just like Wesley he pretty much overreached and was way too confident against a guy who he knows has issues with rage especially when it comes to the women he cares about the most. Any other TV show or film Leland would live and walk away scott free but this show says the hell

Wesley thought he was wrong in the genre pretty much, any other action film or TV show a character like Page either does nothing because she can't bring herself to murder someone, or the safety is on so the bad guy grabs the gun. He seriously overreached and thought Karen would be scared enough to take the deal, so

I think we get it , you don't like D'Onofrio, you've made that point pretty damn clear at this point. It's getting to the point in which it's too negative and you're hating on him. D'Onofrio is fine in the role and I think his performance is one of the best parts of the show. He's somehow gotten me to sympathize with

By unceremoniously writing them off and treating their characters like terrible people afterwards, I'm not Katherine Heigl fan at all but petty is petty.

Laurel was involved in like 3 scenes total? She wasn't crying, mopey, bitchy or anything annoying. I'm not a fan of the character but she gets way too much hate now, she's been way less annoying than Felicity this season now that she actually has a storyline and isn't about Oliver or mourning her sister's death, she's

I don't want to spoil anything about tonight's episode of Arrow but I don't think Laurel knows that Thea was stabbed. The timeline for tonight's episode happened pretty quickly within a day or so if that.

Last week's Flash was suppose to air before the "I love you" it still works in that Felicity and Ray don't break up until later on. I can easily see them going to Central City just to unwind and take a break from it all. This episode Laurel and Quentin are still short with each other, they're pass the yelling aspect

What adventuress said, he had no idea if everyman could copy his powers so Barry wasn't allow to use his powers until they knew that Everyman couldn't.

My issue with Eddie is that he is a cop, it should be easy to say "I saw a murder, a woman's head was chopped off, his penis was severed and shoved into his mouth. The image is stuck in my mind and I can't get out of my head. That's why I can't talk about it"

Grodd is a second season character more than likely, they teased him a little bit but he won't be around until the 2nd season.

Honestly I'm tired of shipping, can't two people just be friends? And what's the point of Barry chase Iris for the last 10 years if it doesn't go through?

To be fair most women I know aren't that open with their sexuality, at least it's not something they would admit to on the first few dates. Personally I don't care who they slept with but they don't know that I don't care. If a chick told me that story I would be surprised not put off by it but surprised. Especially

Arrow is definitely guilty of that, Oliver has heroic guilt every other episode. Casualties happen and you can't save everyone.

Marvel as a whole at least in their comic books are incredibly progressive, they have quite a few gay characters and unlike DC they don't make a big deal about it and have press releases, they're just there. Personally I feel gay characters shouldn't just be shoehorned into a show just to have a gay character, it