
Honestly it's not that bad, it's not torture porn bad or anything. It's mostly the sound of it happening that makes it seem worse.

Comparing Flash to DareDevil is nearly impossible, they're both great shows but polar opposites and great in their own way. What makes the other great is why the other is great…..if that makes sense. For example. DareDevil's cinematography, the gritty feel it has, the violence, acting. the moody soundtrack and it's

I haven't seen the full season yet but apart of me is that Wesley looks like someone who can hold their own fight, I could be way off but underneath his cool, suave demeanor he looks like a guy filled with violent rage.

I'm black and I didn't see a "magical negro" trope at all. The actor just happens to be black,the character is a veteran reporter who has been doing this for 30 years so of course he knows how to take mental notes and recognizes people who are clearly working for the company. He wasn't there to help Karen, he doesn't