
That's exactly what happened, her friend the woman in the disco who saved her (which is why she never has sex with the woman) and brought her to the US died from AIDS. The AIDS epidemic killed the idea of promiscuity and anonymous sex. Bilquist grew weaker and couldn't adapt to the changing of the times until she was

Considering that you're expected to act like an asshole douchebag in hell, Eugene being bullied by that guy is expected and par for the course which really means Hitler is knowingly rebelling and is up to something.

Clay is showing up more and more now, first on GLOW and now on Preacher.

I didn't like the casting at first but Chris Evans is the perfect Captain America, I can't think of a better casting for the character.

There are a lot of shows I like watching in which the main characters are terrible people. Seinfeld, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Veep, Preacher, etc..

I think Eugene was really just an awkward teen who got caught in a really fucked up situation and misread it. I think apart of me believes that Eugene didn't think Tracy was serious about her suicide, thought it was just a cry for help and thought Tracy would see him more as a friend. I don't think it was creepy nor

I was confused by that at first until I realize they're worshipping Vulcan while killing in the name of Christ.

After he cursed the bullets I was really hoping they would show the guns malfunctioning and exploding in the faces of the gunman,

So much for that not being intelligently written……

I remember in "Playmakers" the football show that use to be on ESPN until the NFL forced them to end the series, the QB had a quick fling with an random fan during halftime and got her pregnant. The woman chose to have an abortion, the only real drama was whether or not he would show up at the clinic, (he doesn't and

Nope Mark is definitely a passive aggressive douchebag so far from what I've seen, there are a dozen ways to handle things like an adult and so far he hasn't done any of that except try to garner sympathy to show that he's a "changed man" whatever good points he makes like the house being in his name or not being able

I never knew that part about the movie there are 6 books and by the 3rd or 4th book he and Ramona are together in a relationship, there's not even drama as far as a love triangle goes as Knives eventually just matures and out grows him. Which makes me wonder how early filming had begun.

I didn't recognize her to be honest, it was such a small role I didn't pay attention.

I do like that they didn't turn the abortion into a dramatic subplot itself but I can't think of a show or movie recently in the last few years that really turned abortions into a huge dramatic deal, most of the time when the woman chooses to get one, she gets one and moves on with her life.

I've heard HHH call out spots frequently, there's a match against the Big Show in which he says "Clothesline" right before he gets hit with a clothesline.

Riley did have a great theme song and him losing his shit at the Miz and turning face was cool, everything after that sucked. Riley was really the last of an era of just hiring guys with no wrestling experience because they had nice physiques, I always called it the "Poor Man's Orton" look. 6'4" white guy, abs,

The thing about wrestling is that you can watch a random show and basically know what's going on, the WWE does a pretty good job recapping past events and really they retcon things so many times it doesn't matter, in a way it's annoying to long time wrestling fans who remember things the WWE conveniently forgets past

Basically you don't like dramas?

Yea I think Sam would be the type to do HUSTLE, Lucha Underground, WSX, Chikara Pro. As a wrestling fan a lot of that stuff would still go over the heads of some WWE fans who have been conditioned by the WWE to react a certain way for years.