
Came for Jesu, leaving disappointed.  For shame, Mr. Heller!  Never pass an opportunity to talk about Justin Broadrick!

The fact that this review was written by Tasha just makes me sad.  Come back to us, Tasha!  And bring Nabin and Phipps with you!

Liturgy seems to be one of those bands where your enjoyment of them is inversely proportional to your knowledge of the members.  I randomly came across Aesthetica on Spotify and thought it was a really solid post-Black Metal album (so much so that I 'starred' it to listen to again), but I knew nothing about them other

I also felt compelled to give the new record a listen.

" It’s an up-and-back—a story where a character starts out in one place,
then ends up in exactly that place again, without anything really having

The Fuzzbuster mix was done by the mighty J.G. Thirlwell.  I don't really have anything else to add.

I was kind of surprised to see only a passing mention of Keanu Reeves' performance, and a negative one at that.  I've maintained for years that this is the only role he's had where, I thought, he was absolutely fantastic in.  Like, he learned how to act for this one movie and then went back to being the stoner guy. 

Well, stranger on the internet, your unverifiable claims are more than enough evidence for me.  Suck it, science!

Because it's typically associated with dark skin.  Y'all have clearly never seen BeBe's Kids.

I bought this book based on the plot description (and stopped reading the article because I wanted to keep the rest of it a mystery) and just finished reading it, so now I'm back.  The article is pretty much accurate, but the thing I'm not quite sure of is why this book is considered YA:  is it just because it's a

Totally.  I mentioned this in one of the episode reviews, but I could never stop seeing Tommy Dolan as Norval Sanderson

One of the best things about this show (and there are many) is the sense of total confidence in all the backstory reveals:  you could always tell that every last mystery was totally thought out and planned down to the last detail.  Unlike Lost where you could tell right from the first episode that they didn't know


I have absolutely no issues with the sentiments in this song.  All of my issues are related to the fact that it's just a godawful song.  His voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

Ever notice that nothing is ever Whedon's fault?  He writes the retarded frog-lightning line from X-Men, but Halle Berry said it wrong.  He wrote about alien clones and a robot sidekick in Alien Resurrection, but the guy that made City of Lost Children directed it wrong (because that's plausible).  He wrote a

Wall-to-wall, highly stylized excessive violence with tommy guns and 1950s Los Angeles?  Shit, sign me up.

Everyone talks about still waiting for their Back to the Future hoverboard.  I'm still waiting for my Spaceballs flamethrower.

Everyone talks about still waiting for their Back to the Future hoverboard.  I'm still waiting for my Spaceballs flamethrower.

I got dragged to a Fartbarf show at the Dragonfly in Hollywood.  I insisted that with a name like that, it was going to be horrible.

I got dragged to a Fartbarf show at the Dragonfly in Hollywood.  I insisted that with a name like that, it was going to be horrible.