
Someone on Reddit pointed out that the opening credits have changed slightly to indicate that the Bay of Seals has frozen over, and since that's the side Eastwatch is on (where we know the Walker army is), it's actually possible that they can walk around the wall.

Nary a mention that Eustis is writing the music for The Black Queen, Greg Puccato's (singer for The Dillinger Escape Plan) synthpop sideproject. It's so good

What weird timing: I'm literally halfway through a re-read of this series. They're apparently aging up the main characters to a significant degree, which is a very strange choice, since them being 12-13 years old is like a huge plot point for the bulk of the series.

Yeah, I don't know: last month, there was a 20th anniversary screening of Heat here in LA with the full cast (it was written up on the AV Club, but I'm not looking for it). When Kilmer was asked a question, the audience laughed at first because it sounded like he was doing a wacky voice like a combination of Donald

The only people I hear bitch about LA's lack of culture are people who've moved here to 'make it', failed completely, and then blame the city for it. Then they complain about how everyone is fake, yet they themselves only hang out with people because they think those people can do something for their career. It's

I think Us & Them is super underrated. 'Defiled', more than any other Godflesh track, will just randomly pop into my head and get stuck there.

I always had trouble getting into Pitchshifter from that era just because it sounded so much like Godflesh it struck me as a ripoff.

Shame on all of you for forgetting Pailhead! Come on, Fugazi meets Ministry.

Damnation A.D. was pretty good, but Disembodied, the band they became, melts my face off to this day. "If God Only Knew the Rest Were Dead" is only five songs, but jesus christ, it will kick your skull in.

Man, I love the Melvins, but I'm surprised anyone could think that Nick Cave stopped growing after the Birthday Party. His career has arcs to it in terms of style and genre. I would honestly be hard-pressed to think of another artist that has grown so much.

Speaking as someone that also liked the Twin Peaks finale, I'd hazard a guess that the 'out of character' moments are at the very end when Cooper panics inside the Black Lodge which allows Bob to get out.  To be fair, "panic" was not exactly an emotion in Cooper's wheelhouse.

I actually liked this movie for two reasons, 1:  it was incredibly fast-paced.  Once the good guys are on the run, it never lets up, and 2:  the good guys start dying in waves and in incredibly unsentimental ways.  I don't think there's a single character that gets to have a big death scene.  Major characters just get

The most annoying part about the Dowd-bashing is that, for the most part, the people bashing his reviews haven't even seen the damn movie yet.

Definitely not the only one.  I always tried to like Rollins Band, but never could.  On the other hand, I listened to "Sweatbox" so many damn times I had to buy a second copy.

To be fair, "The American Way" still kicks all kinds of ass.

It's an interesting debate.  In "The Other Hollywood" (an absurdly fascinating oral (zing) history on the porn industry written by Legs McNeil), it's very obvious that while Traynor was a hideous person, Linda wasn't an innocent bystander by any means.  Her story changed a million times over the years, but the one

I find it interesting that killing Abigail wasn't the plan all along.  I figured she was doomed the moment she found out that Hannibal was also a murderer.  There was no way he would allow his safety to be predicated on the ability of a teenager to keep a secret.

I can't really remember the last time I was so incredibly excited for a movie that I was also convinced is going to be so exquisitely terrible that it will be painful to watch.  I predict Room-levels of greatness here.

Wow, I thought you were kidding, so I looked it up on Wikipedia and…uh, yeah.  You're so not kidding.  Also witness the extreme mental acrobatics Card had to pull out to justify it (heh…double entendres):

Alien Nation (1988)—“Det. Sgt. Matthew Sykes”JC: Why the fuck… Why would you bring up that?