Mustard Trousers

Sweet pumpkin pie, that sounds nifty to me anyway. Just to be clear, that's in like half an hour right?

You can call me anything you want, just don't call me late to dinner!

I actually think it was called - "The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down"

Man, I was kinda drunk when I watched this through first time, but I sobered up and really paid attention second time around. Damn…It was just…Great. Just everything. The show has so much ambition, and guts, and smart writing. Not just smart for the sake of being smart either - it's damn hilarious, too. And I don't

Wow I had never heard of Tristram Shapeero, but the things they have directed are definitely some of the best television out there. I love Peep Show, so I do.

@avclub-977cf54e52109b5b2795406737cf36d4:disqus Ha, good point. Man I hated Simmons…Well, it's nearly 6am so I better sleep or something. But I guess Simmons will be rolling around in my dreams now. THANKS A LOT TABBY!

Wow, that was a very nice way of putting it! I agree with everything you said, and I'll try at least to think about how I perceive other people more carefully. Right now I'm just especially pessimistic about things for whatever reason. But I realise I'm still young and stupid, and figuring out who I really am/want to

That's very true. Also, I bet no one could put across such a good point in real life either.

I am generally the same. I never say anything to anyone, even if I hate them. I have a real problem with caring too much about what people think about me, even people I dislike. It's crazy, but I can't stand to think that even people I don't care for or remotely know dislike me.

WHOAH, bongoes, I was going to do the exact same thing as you! But I chose a different picture in the end. Always thinking with my willy.

*Hug* right back! As much as I like you guys, it IS weird not knowing whether anyone is a dude or a dudette. For the record, I'm a dude (she's a dude, he's a dude, we're all dudes etc.)

This is unrelated to Community, but related to life in general.

I agree with everything you just said. It's all good. The guys are a class act.

Hey fellas! Random question, but have any of you guys watched Peep Show? It's kinda popular here so I'd already seen every episode, but I'm just rewatching it again. It's great stuff. I found out from following The Ganz on Twitter that she is a big fan, so that is pretty cool. I want to live in a world where David

Update on my resistant friend whom I'm trying to get to watch Community:

Wait a minute…I WAS right. Jeff's locker number is 313! That can't be a coincidence, surely? (Sorry if someone brought it up way before this post. I'm never usually one to catch these things and I get excited.)

Ooooooohhhh!!! Haha I can't believe I never caught that. I would make a 6 inch pun here, but that would be crude.

Maybe I'm just not thinking straight because it's 9:30am here and I haven't really went to sleep, but could someone explain the joke about the Subway man not going to grab his coat? Is it a Subway-related thing at all? Am I missing something completely?