Mustard Trousers

I like the 5-10 second guitar shitstorm after the first "c-c-c-c-c-cocaine" part in Feel Good Hit Of The Summer.

I concur with this comment.

Just watched it, and in my opinion it's his strongest stand-up yet. He's such a delightful fellow.

Wait a minute…there was no cane in Citizen Kane!

Immigants, I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears I knew it was them!

I had NO idea she was Scottish! That is so cool to me. Mainly because I am Scottish too.

Jesus Christ, I always try to find good live recordings of this song and I've never seen this! Watching him sing like that is painful, in the best possible way.

I try to sing along with Victory in the car and it kills my voice every time. Worth it though, it is indeed a very powerful song.

This is great news! I'm going to celebrate by eating a slice of an Italian fanny.

As a Man United fan, the return of Mourinho should make me nervous, but I'm kind of excited about it. I think he's hilarious and he brings more character to the Premier League. Saying that, I would hate him if he were in charge of a team I support. I just hope he doesn't bring Chelsea back to former glory, but it

You are a hero and I love you.

You know the 'Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers' episode of Freaks and Geeks? Ok good, well you know when Millie goes all double denim and wears that Who t-shirt with it? Ok good, does anyone by any chance know where to acquire that t-shirt? I really want it. Ok good.

I get by…*limps away*

Absolutely! I do still lurk anonymously, but this news deserved a quote, dammit!

I have the weirdest boner…

I just read Trainspotting for the first time this week! Never seen the film (though I have watched that scene). In short - I GET THIS REFERENCE.

Some say that Bob Benson calls his downstairs "The BB Gun". 

I have and always will be on Team Tedward when it comes down to who belongs with Robin. I mean, I know he doesn't end up with her, but if the writers somehow managed to create a ridiculous scenario where they do end up together, despite all the previous episodes stating otherwise, I'd find it hilarious. Hilarious in