Mustard Trousers

Just finished my second viewing. It was a very strong episode, but I have a feeling that next weeks will be even better. Great stuff all round. Yipee!!

Well said. Nothing against criticisim or opinions or anything. But it just seems that as soon as ONE episode airs that doesn't sit well with everyone, then there is a huge backlash. I appreciate Community for trying lots of different things and exploring different types of jokes, even when they don't resonate with me

Chevy was basically saying things like "how dare you talk to me like that in front of my family etc etc", "you fat, alcoholic fuck etc etc", "your writing is getting shittier and shittier etc etc"…it was quite upsetting.

Wow…that really changes my outlook on things. I feel really sad now. I'm just wondering how the rest of the cast reacted to it…

I really like the message in this. And hey, it doesn't matter how old you are - go for your dreams anyway!

Oh, that reminds me of the first time I got punched in the face…

It is absolutely true! I was just researching him and he also does voices in games and stuff. He died the death of a hero in Hook, and for that I will always respect him.

You guys may have already known this, but I just found out that one of the bullies from Comparitive Religion played Rufio in the film Hook. My childhood has come full circle.

These are very well made points. I feel the same way - I really enjoy Parks, and I laugh at it a lot, maybe even more frequently than Community at times. But I just don't get invested in the characters in the same way for some reason. Maybe it really is because we are cynical and relate to the dysfunctional

Don't worry, I respect you too much to spoil anything! I will be compliant.

I used to think he was classy, and respected his business background and what not, but now I am angry at him for what he did. It is making me emotional dammit! And no I don't think I've gotten to that part. Unless I missed it…But I have been keeping close attention.

Here I am again, up in the very early hours of the morning, storming through S2 of The Wire. I've watched 7 episodes now, and I just want to vent my anger towards Stringer Bell. It's bad enough that he tried to take over Michael's position in The Office, but now this? Also I am being very vague about what he did as I

I am indeed! I had been reading the reviews/comments ever since I started watching Community last August I believe. I thought it was about time to make an account and join the fun.

Well it's past 7am here and I've not been to sleep yet. I think my early morning consciousness is a combination of The Wire Season 2 making me pay attention to things, and Justin Bieber's new song being available on iTunes making me excited.

You're 19? Me too! Although I can legally drink, so YEY BOOZE! I'm not big on tequila though. It tastes like butt sweat.

Then I'd be doing a good job, because it's a Ruiner's Club.

Speak for yourself! I don't forgive you Hank Toms. And I never will. :(

As the official Scottish ambassador of the show, I should say that I have gotten both of my brothers into watching it, another good friend of mine (who was VERY reluctant but now loves it), and about 3 other people on top of that. Although the drunk friend is definitely my most difficult challenge yet. You are

I remember watching Season 1 & 2 in a mere few days, and it all seemed to blend together into a humourous mess. But I recall thinking to myself during the secret trampoline episode, when Joshua turned out to be a racist, that it just hit all the right spots. I don't even know why it was THAT moment that struck me so

Not related to this episode, but I have a best friend who I've been trying to get to watch Community for months now. He had only seen little clips and automatically decided that the whole show is awful from them. He had never seen a full episode. He even said once that he just hated the name of the show, which I found