Jefe Bergenstein

My wife's rogue, Virus Lou, is by far the hardest to kill member of the party. And I've tried! Uncanny dodge, evasion and 16 con make for a surprisingly tough halfling.

I lick the dungeon walls to check for gelatinous cube spoor.

Hah! Joke's on you… I rolled a natural 20 on my Saving Throw vs Shame a loooooong time ago.

I thought Holly Taylor (Paige from the Americans) would have been a great Jean. Paige started off somewhat emotionally vulnerable but developed a strong determination, and she's been fantastic in the role.

The song is way worse than the original, seems someone sucked the energy out of it. I do like the animation style, which is evocative of a more hand drawn comic strip style.

What's really sad is that he's arguably one of the BETTER designs! Compared to the shit pile of jagged metal that they called Starscream, Bumblebee is a work of art!

Doofus Rick said it best.

You need to consume SOMETHING, but that something better be flavorless nutrition paste, water and vitamins. Anything else is just a grotesque display of indulgence. We should all strive to lead a joyless Spartan existence apparently.

Considering how much money people waste each day on lunch that is literally shit a few hours later, anyone looking down on my silly geegaw collection better be eating budget nutrient paste every meal and never set foot in a bar.

Pretty much any historical figure has problematic aspects. Washington and Jefferson owned slaves… are we to blast them off Mount Rushmore? If Lincoln were raised from the dead, he'd be pilloried today for not being woke enough.

Fucking hell. I peeked, wished I hadn't. That guy is on a government registry somewhere, right?

Bless you Betty. Bletty.

Hey, who doesnt love crust with the consistency of a thin paper plate that was soaked in grease for 8 hours!

Add some bacon and jalepenos and that's my about current favorite. Sweet, salty spicy, savory.

Motherfuckers should always set for stun. Creates like a five foot OHKO spread!

Definitely, including the glowing bullet hole/flame.

"Hi, my name is Chloë Grace Moretz. My voice is… my passport? Verify Me."


I still think She-Hulk would be awesome as a legal procedural/superhero mash up series. And in my head, it's Aisha Tyler as She Sulk. I mean, she already has the hands!

Computer code is considered a language under his power set now… he got a huge upgrade, what with being able to control pretty much any electronic device and hack into anything now.