
I wonder if it's because Archer knows them the least (…his imagination wouldn't spend too much time on them?).

Vice versa.

I hope it's a gag & Tim's behind it. In Justified, Raylan always made a point of dragging out that three-syllable "ree-lu-tur" re: Gary. Had there been reel-tors in Deadwood, I feel like Seth would have done the same.

I grew up with a Catriona whose parents were both from Scotland, and they definitely pronounced it the way Hartdegen did.

"Why does everyone insist I don't know my own mind?" Snaps the woman who can't brush her own hair.

Never forget.

I've only seen her on Doctor Who and I didn't know she had it in her. In fact, the opposite: I'd have sworn, based on what I'd seen, that she didn't. So anyway and regardless — yeah, that scene was thrilling!

Dear god, let this be true.

Bernadette has definitely lashed out on occasion — the parking spot episode jumps to mind. The retort didn't feel so out of character in the scheme of things to me.

One of the two eight-year-olds watching with me Saturday paused the show to say, "I'm a little concerned, you know, with the number of kids he's letting into the TARDIS lately." heh.

Rachel Dratch, I love you — but fuck you forever for Debbie Downer.
Love, Deborah

Are you talking about Doug Benson, who (…I think?) has won every time he's been on?

You guys. Boyd knows the real reason Ava was released, right? Because he definitely knows that the guard didn't recant. And he's not stupid. So… doesn't he know?

I loved that he switched it out because he was talking to Pam. Even Archer knows each woman deserves her own Kenny Loggins punchline.

Real question, not trolling: Had a significant amount of time really lapsed between her leaving her daughter and going back for her? More than a week or two? She had *just* returned from Geneva at the start of the episode.

Ok, point well taken re: plausibility v probability! Besides, I should have backed up Crazy Theory with the ideas behind it:

Funny, I took the sentence to mean exactly what you just said! Branson got to show Sarah that his aristocratic in-laws are actually quite real and therefore much cooler than she would have been willing to give them credit for.

Ok, Insanely Soaptastic But Somehow Feasible Theory of the Week #1573 (and please forgive me if someone's said this already; I looked, but didn't find):

Existential…and ice cream.

Aaaaah! Her accent was making me crazy & I couldn't figure out why. Inflections, phrasing, you're right that their voices are similar beyond just being Irish.