
In the name of all that is good and Olyphant, let that be true.

If it had happened, it would have stood out as the only stab at character continuity of the season, so to speak, which would have pissed me off because: It's not that you can't, Ryan Murphy, it's that you won't.

Mere seconds. But they were pleasantly surprised seconds. Seconds of, "Well aren't you a sight for… wait, come back!"

Any use of Kyle Secor is never a waste. Bayliss 4 life, dammit.

American Horror Story: Cov —OOH LOOK, SHINY THINGS.

We were wondering if they were actually jeggings. Straight-up denim that tight would probably preclude the use of stairs. 

"Girl meets Boy
Girl complains that boy is stuck up and shallow
Girl sees how big Boy's house is
Girl and boy get engaged. Poor people suffer like the trash they are."

This. My experience was similar. Tried S1 of the reboot; it didn't click. Jumped to S5 on the advice of a passionate Whovian friend and I was hooked. Devoured S5 & 6, then went back for S2, 3, & 4, and then, when it could do absolutely no harm, happily viewed S1. Ended up loving aspects of all the Doctors for