dr. platypus

putting jessica alba in movies

Goatwhore is the only band of even moderate interest on this list and that is only because Sammy Duet is their guitarist really.

The actual music
It it a deception that "Hurricane" is an awesome song? What about "Only a pawn in their game"? No? Alright well then I don't really care.

The actual music
It it a deception that "Hurricane" is an awesome song? What about "Only a pawn in their game"? No? Alright well then I don't really care.

I hope this movie
does not happen.

I too abused the crap out of my blockbuster job and then one week just decided to stop showing up for it. Never went back and the location closed a year later. I can report that their business model seemed to be YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRBLAHHHHHHHHHHWAHHHHHHHHHH NETFLIX IS A FAD

Segel will play a tall man
Not sure if he can pull this off.

Are guys censoring Polanski comments? I left one calling you on complete lack of integrity, and so did someone else and now they are gone. I guess it is OK to rape a child as long as you direct some half-decent films.

I made this comment as well, but it did not show up. The woman stated:

"Give everything you can, as we have"
If these self-important blowjobs haven't given over a billion dollars collectively then they sure as heck haven't given all that they can

Garden State was my first thought, I was of course only 15 when it came out, so that is a bit of an excuse.

Both are stupid.

That isn't racism at all. It's a comment on the fact that we dropped two atomic bombs on Japan and decimated their culture to level that it has still not recovered.

Well, I've never engaged in any mock-racism or homophobia on here and I don't know what it has to do with Vic or his music.

Look Britney Murphy's death was just as sad, perhaps even more so as she was even younger and it was even more sudden. Nothing excuses the craven attitudes on display here.

He released 2 genius albums this year. I'd go for At The Cut.

Maye if you scum-fucks had any balls you'd have the decency to swallow some pills or stab your own selves in the chest. A man is dead.

Let it not be the case.
Deeply sad news. I recently heard him describe one of his recent songs as a "break-up song" breaking up with suicide.

I was bored with this episode. And the wife's fake pregnancy is really stupid and tedious.