dr. platypus

if you don't like the new stooges album… you're a douchbag?

the new Mastodon is pretty boss. It's different from what they were doing at first but continues what they started on blood mountain. I think Leviathan is still my favorite tho.

Jermain Dupree
I can't believe you left out that "Can't Stop Partying" was written for Rivers Cuomo by Jermaine Dupree

I have seen Envy, but turned it off before it was over, I have seen Serving Sarah but I was real young, I have seen the same parts of Because I Said So twice, I have seen the Whole Ten Yards (maybe?), I have seen part of the Covenant (sexy), I wanted to see Rollerball so much when i came out, and when i worked at

Why the fuck does every good book have to be made into a movie? Infinite Jest is a piece of literature, if you want to say the same things it is saying about America in film form it would have to be completely different. It is a book. Read the book.

Athletes don't eat cereal for breakfast
Eggs and egg whites, with oatmeal or cream of wheat… That's a real breakfast.

The Life Aquatic
THE LIFE AQUATIC is a big gap in the list. Seriously. That's a movie that really really deserves more respect than it gets.

Roswell! Roswell! Roswell!

I need to finish it too…

I thought it was tomrrow

Rush to finish it
Gotta wrap this up in time!

I'm in my final push to finish it, I'll hopefully polish off the last 100+ pages today. So far I'm seeing flashes of brilliance that last for a few pages but nothing to cohere them. I'm a bit disappointed as I've anticipated reading this book for years. I guess I'll have to reserve judgment until I've read the final

This news is hella old
saw this cover like months and moths and months ago

actually no one had to say it ever


EXCEPT, you mean except

They also asked Federer and Jokavic

You are confusing Woddy Allen with Alvy Singer et all
Look these criticisms are mostly valid except that if you have ever listened to an interview with Mr. Allen he really comes across as NOTHING AT ALL like the character he always plays and writes. That Chracter is a comfortable creation that gets him laughs but when

They did interview Serena and ask her 1000 questions about Michael Jackso and she didnt really seem to know why they were asking her about him or what to say.

This is a good example of something you should have kept to yourself. They made a great couple in the movie which was anything but a bomb.