luke hanish

Heh, see, the Black Mirror ep that came to my mind was San Junipero.

I always wondered if it was an adaptation of the fourth novella in King's Different Seasons. I guess it's not.

Kim Basinger all but vanished into thin air after winning her Oscar for L.A. Confidential.

I always pictured Flagg as Michael Wincott. Probably too old now though.

[to think what a director like Guillermo Del Toro—or anyone from the current crop of hungry young genre directors]

I never pictured him with a hat when reading it. I also pictured him as a Korean woman with a perm, so take that for what it's worth.

What the flying fuck? Just googled "Little Sisters of Eluria." How did I not know this existed?

A buddy road comedy starring Kevin Hart and Robert DeNiro (billed in that order).

I just remember some awkward scene where Batfleck was supposed to be crying, but they clearly just sloppily dripped some liquid onto his face before filming. Can't remember if that was before or after Godzilla popped out of the ocean and began swatting down Japanese fighters. Or was that part of the dream I had when

Hologram Rob Schneider: "Lacey says there's a 68 percent chance you're here to help Kevin James win the tap dancing contest!"

Yep. I know a guy who lives in Alaska, and he says everybody up there thinks that dude is a fucking idiot.

Seinfeld was a show about a young girl's strange erotic journey from Milan to Minsk.

From the Desk of Mister Lady MacBeth.

Mostly the same 'cept no singing.

Does the guy also think Jason carries a chainsaw? That would have been funny if annoying for Tobe Hooper fans like myself that are annoyed that the inferior "Friday the 13th" movies have merged with "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" in popular consciousness.

In Encino Man, Brendan Fraser gets escorted around the big city by that woman with the bandana who has curly, floppy hair.

No shit? The climax of a Hollywood comic book movie co-written by Zach Snyder is a big CGI battle? I would have thought they would have gone the No Country for Old Men route with Diana sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee, pondering the possibility that her convictions may not be as unassailable as she once

I have to say, I don't really like the Marvel movies. But is there any chance we will get some Thor/Wonder Woman crossover with an epic battle between the Greek and Norse gods? Directed by Park Chan-wook. With a scene where Thor smashes his way through a hallway full of Greek gods with his hammer on Mt. Olympus.

Maybe there were two more stories to the house that we couldn't see! And a bowling alley in the basement!

I watched both. I also played sports and read comic books. I had to beat myself up.