luke hanish

Hooray! I'm not the only person who likes Hard Target!

Ah, Beast Wars. My buddy and I used to get stoned and watch that.

"Screeeew it." [throws empty beer battle against wall, shattering it] "We're never (hiccup) gonna beat these fuuuuuuuggin' Autobozzz. They're always one step 'head of uzz (hiccup). Whyyy do we keep try'n?"

Yeah, no kidding. They really could have done anything they wanted before heavy artillery was invented. Why didn't they free the slaves?! As in all the slaves throughout human history?! "Oh, but our secret would have been revealed, blah, blah, blah!" Fuck you, Optimus!!!

For a moment I thought maybe I had just forgotten how to calculate minutes to hours when I saw that's how long this fucking movie is.

Yes. Transformers are the natural evolution of existence in the universe. Conscious beings build cars for transportation, and when the machines inevitably take over and destroy said beings, they develop cars into Transformers. So this happens over and over throughout the universe wherever conscious life pops up,

That's a fun movie.

I'll forever associate Outside with von Trier's Element of Crime. I first consumed them both around the same time, and there is this thematic and aesthetic link between the two I think.

I had to reread the name Jean Rollin about 5 times before I remembered who he was and that I went on a bender of his films about 12 years ago.

I saw Witches' Cleavage open for Sabbath at the Whiskey a Go-Go back in '71.

I once saw a Nickelback cover band whose members were all Zach Braff impersonators, called Nickelbraff. Incidentally, they opened for Limp Bizach.

It's the Nickelback effect. Somehow certain people, artists, etc, become the poster children for awfulness in their particular medium even though there are others out there creating much more offensive works.

Michael Caine was in Beyond the Poseidon Adventure, which featured he and Sally Field robbing audiences of about two hours of their time.

Man, no kidding.