Just John

I'd like to see a recording of the YouTube commenters at the time of birth - I'm hoping to see "Oh, it's happening! It's so beautiful!" followed immediately by "OH DEAR GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING" followed immediately by "Oh, it happened! It's so beautiful!"

The Great Sasuke got elected to… *Googles, Wikipedias* …the Iwate Prefectural Assembly, and never took off his mask.

Also, the Packers won the Super Bowl!

*hums the Too Many Cooks theme song instead*

The family moved into their house on the first episode, and Heather Langenkamp's comment on their new home was, "This place looks like something out of Nightmare on Elm Street! There could be bodies anywhere!"

It's based off the Japanese word for bad, "warui", which is also why evil Mario is "Wario". It's better than the alternative of trying to rotate the first letter - you either get gamma, 7, or J, all of which would be a little problematic.

There goes my theory of Aku being long dead, and everyone just worshiping old idols and just assuming he was still alive. (Yeah, we heard his voice in the first episode, but that could've been a similar-sounding secretary.)

Chocolate mousse was once known as chocolate mayonnaise.

It was going to be nothing, as I've got a thousand things to do… but instead, I ended up playing Her Story, another one in the backlog. Cool idea, but I suspect at some point I'll have to go online to catch all the bits I just can't quite get to.

Wrapped up The Witness - impressive world, it really drew me in, though not enough to do every single puzzle in the entire game. Good to see James Burke again. There's a certain twist that I accidentally discovered which was a big epiphanic moment, which the game has in droves.

It's its own video game - Google the problem, try to figure out which goofily-named forum seems most helpful, find out which setting to tweak, tweak it too little and shadows land on your character in weird contour lines only a cartographer would love, too much and your main character vanishes during cutscenes…

It's its own video game - Google the problem, try to figure out which goofily-named forum seems most helpful, find out which setting to tweak, tweak it too little and shadows land on your character in weird contour lines only a cartographer would love, too much and your main character vanishes during cutscenes…

I bought my nephew the HD version of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker for Christmas - it was on his Amazon wish list, so I'm pretty confident he'll like it.

I played Gone Home for the first time. Certainly short, but in the manner of a short story - it kept me moving and playing. Pretty good ambiance - halfway between home and a haunted house, and I was a little uncertain which way it was planning to go. Some good programming funneled me to the correct locations while

This begs for a little more explanation - how is it long-lost? And how was it re-discovered?

Die, die, die, die, die-DIE, die-die-die-die…

Better plan: check into the jail nearest the reservation - then the police will think they've arrested everyone and just go home.

So, what I'm hearing is, I should take everyone's suggestions and thereby make the Perfect Chili?

I believe the people who own the Addams Family did end up telling AWA to stop it - but there are a few random copies somewhere on YouTube.