Twist ending: You ARE sentient food!!
Twist ending: You ARE sentient food!!
"Excuse me… you misspelled 'mother'."
Were they also idiotic?
Hmmm… if the only part of the kitchen that was burning was one cookbook, I'd save that one by removing it from the kitchen and safely dousing it somewhere else, thus saving the rest of the cookbooks. That's logic!
I recommend Binging With Babish on YouTube - three different attempts, with four excellent results.
Spoiler: Everyone dies at the end.
I'll make sure you don't by Haydn all the pencils.
"Who did it?" said the king. Death hesitated.
"Hmmm. Clever. I congratulate Sto Helit. And here’s me filling myself with antidotes. No antidote to cold steel, eh?"
"The old rope ladder and fast horse by the drawbridge, eh?"
André Malraux is a mean drunk.
1. "Crip-face" sounds way more insulting than anything it would describe.
2. A man literally named Ruderman is not in a good position to accuse others of being rude.
3. I don't see this ending well. *ba-dum-CHING*
The blue-on-yellow ones are painful to look at.
They're just sad because she's over them.
Stupid first Starcraft - you think you're doing well and then suddenly the stupid Protoss just happen to drop two giant worms right next to your main base when all your troops are on the other side of the map, and you haven't saved in half an hour…
Still beating on the original Starcraft - now the Zerg get these weird Nydus teleporters, which is a whole new tactic I get to learn. But I also get the giant bug-mammoths, so that'll be fun. I still enjoy just loading the first couple of Zerg missions and racing through them.
I honestly thought that two small children were for some reason accompanying Vince Vaughn. Actors are tiny creatures.
Played through Monument Valley 2 twice, soon to be three times. I think the FPS section and micro-transactions are a little unnecessary - and why all the nudity? …That there's a joke, kid. Good game.
No, no, no… ORANGE. It's a little ORANGE.
The dog carries on yapping for a moment and then gulps uncomfortably.
Hang on… Kenneth Branagh isn't Belgian!
There was recently an argument that Indiana Jones didn't affect the outcome in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" by his presence - I think I'd like to check Fury Road or maybe the other films to see if Mad Max's absence would've changed anything. (Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing it again anyway - fun movie!)