Not Heavy But Awkward

With Steve Buscemi as Melt Man! With the power to … erm … melt!

It's like sleeping on a Toaster Strudel.

The guy used a brutal slash-and-burn technique to take out a single target. He walked into a crowded nightclub and sprayed bullets from one wall to the other because he had absolutely zero regard for human life. It was frightening, and made the movie effective. Nowadays though, for better or worse, you just can't

Christmas is my favorite kind of carol!

D-TV Monster Hits.

I think what makes Trick r Treat enjoyable is similar to what makes It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown so timeless. The star of both is simply the day. Neither tries to focus on one character and put him in some creepy situation, it just sort of wanders around and observes the goings-on through several phases of

Reminds me of when my nephew walked into a room after we'd been watching some Ninja Turtles together.  He mentioned Raphael and his mother asked "Oh, is he the mean one?" and he corrected "No, he's the angry one."

The smartassery gets old quick, but it's always nice to know when they were listening.

Regular Panda

Into The Hedge (1974)

THERE you go.  If this movie featured cameos by the SeaDuck and the Thunderquack, voiced by Baloo and Launchpad respectively, automatic three stars.

Hahahahaha!  That's so funny!  I can't remember when I've heard a funnier anecdote!  Now you tell one!

Being an uncle of a now six-year-old nephew, I'm constantly on the search for which movies are just a step or two beyond the acceptable levels that a responsible (read: uncool) parent would choose.  I can say pretty confidently that The Avengers works pretty perfectly, but I may have caused some damage with Burton's

Rodriguez seems to be a great big fan of the idea of "Guns as prosthetic limbs that fire telekinetically." Rose's leg in PT, Sex Machine's wang in From Dusk Til Dawn (originally seen unused in Desperado), and now apparently Sophia Vergara's boobs in Machete Kills.

When you consider his pose and that of a recently time-traveled terminator, @avclub-650791898dd05ac4d665569d95c8ba08:disqus , your theory makes a lot of sense.

He was way ahead of me.  I didn't get to listen to a girl explain in ever more intricate detail how we would never go out with each other until senior year.

That makes so much stupid sense.

"You don't crumple the newspaper, ya twist it!  Ya twist it!"

"Pretend I'm the pizza delivery guyyyy annnd! … watchmewhackoff."

 I could never figure out what the dudebuddy was saying when he wanted an M&M.  "Choc at me buddy"?  Like "beer me" but with chocolate?  "Chuck at me?"

Highlander: Endgame