Pair a knee em

Robert Guillaume on Benson

Pity me:

Pity me:

V 2000: Y

That picture could double as a NAMBLA reunion poster.

Continuing Phel's game:

Lazy writing. They should've done a Dallas-esque dream sequence to start the show. Then they could've had the primo Super Bowl slot just after the Cardinals shock the world and win the title!

Thai rake fights

Yeah, that was gay.

Submissions for worst ever:

Anal leakage?

I believe the red boxes cycle on and off every 28 days or so.

"Is ABC President Stephen McPherson going to come to my house and take a dump on my front stoop, too?"

Delahoyde's movies are well worth venturing out in the cold to see. That dude is hilarious. He has become a staple at the Chicago short film festival. A really creative guy, he is. Those of you in the balls-retracting cold 2nd city should check it out.

77 degrees in Phoenix and still a tad chilly in business casual attire. Screw - 22. We drive to and from the cold/snow when we feel like a nice outing. Golfing tomorrow and an outdoor NFL playoff party in a backyard on Sunday. Come on out…you can stay with me.

Yeah. I was somewhat straight-faced throughout.

How could you tell she was retarded, Yummish?

The irony that they "came to prominence…during the…Clinton years" is thicker than other ironical things.

From the picture above…I'm seeing a little bit of the offspring of Kevin Kline and Superman's hair. Anyone else see that?

There is a Chasing Amy joke in her somewhere but F.U.C.K. me if I can figure it out.