Pair a knee em

I don't care what anyone says
This is fuckin fantastic on so many levels.

Location, location, location
So will this process work with all hair or will some hair produce TAINTed diamonds?

Platoon: The Musical

Or Emmanuel Lewis. I'm sure he's got the time.

Good to see that Napolitano is keeping all of those hardedned criminals out of the country.

Yes, but Scott…is your marriage Fireproof as a result of watching this movie?

Wasn't there a Canadian version of We Are the World (The Northern Lights maybe????). Oh right, you said competition.

They don't have books about murder in Canada, do they Phel? I thought Canadian Libraries were filled with tales of maple syrup, ice rinks and pain-inducing pop singers who married old french dudes.


Hung 15: Just Hanging Out
Hung 16: Cupid's Arrow
Hung 17: Tripod or My Rod?

I wish they could get past all of the drama and finally release 'Ed'.

Taken 2: Keep Her

Duff from GnR can pee on you while you watch the movie. That should engage a few of your senses.

The Renaissance Faire opens in Phoenix this weekend. Just sayin…

And, thus…a Wikipedia entry was born.

Yeah…I'm still trying to wake up this moring. This didn't help.

@plasticman - I was thinking it really doesn't matter which came first, wrestling career or bad movie.*

And Stone Cold Steve Austin. An Roddy Piper. And Mr. T.

Yeah, metro Phoenix has a vast LDS population as well so it was a fun little game to try to figure out who were active members and who might have some 'splaining to do with the bishop this weekend.

B.A. as a white woman: the wife of Dog the Bounty Hunter?