Pair a knee em

Fart football should ONLY be played within the confines of holy matrimony.

Alec Baldwin causes blindness?

But were there any prizes?

Banmar - would you say you attract his type twice as much as others?

Pilgrim, did you just call marriage 'insanity'?

From Banmar, "If it wasn't free, I wouldn't be getting it. "

If I was who I was a long time ago (see: Captain Reality), I would have to add:

Isn't the guy like 87 years old? A firm handshake will break many a bone, I tells ya. That's why I have never really been able to buy in to the whole "Clint bad ass" thing. He was always a 50+ year old guy kicking the crap out of 25 year old martial arts muscle freaks. Just doesn't work.

Little House on the Prairie was based on doing chores.

There was one good thing about this piece of crap show…
While watching this atrocity, I turned to my girlfriend and said, "This sucks so bad it reminds me of my girlfriend in 10th grade; to which she replied…well, let's just say I got a bj out of it. Thank Howie! Your show really does blow!

Cohen's jokes went over like electrified nipple clamps at a Mormon birthday party. Yikes!

This is too good to be true!
I can't believe I am the very first to comment on this wonderful site with the brand new layout.