
Arsenio say what you will, but at least he is evidence that original stories can sell.

As much as I hated Avatar I have reason to believe that James Cameron is the only thing preventing Hollywood from rehashing everything they have or have seen and destroying itself from within

I wouldn't call tonights episode bad, but it wasn't good either. I suspect the repeated use of vomit is a sign that there simply wasn't enough material here to fill a whole episode. On a very related side note, south park seems to get closer and closer to resembling family guy episodes this season

Its kind of grating how formulaic these episodes have become supposedly witty banter for 40 minutes, 3 minutes of shocking revelation, 3 minutes for the beloved musical montage reflecting on how drastic everyone's lives have changed in the past half hour, and 4 more minutes for commericals and a preview for next week…

Anybody who wants a clear cut example of the diminished returns of drug use on music only need listen to LA woman. People can call Jim Morrison a genius all they want, after listening to a doors concert it becomes quite clear that the band carried Morrison through his drunken drugged up ramblings. that being said if I

Speaking of Dog shit tacos, Larry David and Ricki Gervais worked like dogs to make this show barely watchable and I probably would have made it all the way through this time if it wasn't for Madonna's mouth projecting such an annoying loud voice everytime it opened.

For whatever reason Across the Universe popped into my head after reading this

I lasted till the man came onscreen with a file then immediately decided that this was an over-produced over-written pile of trash (the three writers and list of executive producers longer than my ass hair should have been my first hint) heart broken I fast forwarded through the show hoping there would be some

In regards to March 3rd…
This isn't Merv Griffin we don't do theme shows you shitkicking hick.

I gave up on watching this series after Wilson fearing that the writers were running out of steam and would start doing theme episodes intermittently.

Ever person I know who owns a dodge charger is either a mama's boy who's parents bought it for him or wife whipped, so that commercial rang true to me. Every time I take a girl in my 89 Ford Taurus they always seem to enjoy the spacious interior.

eh CD compilations are just another short sighted money grab for the record industry. Yes lets keep the album alive by releasing compilations with one hit single and a bunch of crap nobody will remember ten months from now, that really wants me want to go out and buy it rather than paying a quarter of the price and

Does anybody wonder
why the music industry seems to shift between marketing Singles, Albums and EPs every couple of years?

I could really overlook the fake interface if computers weren't just a quick way to show how technologically sophisticated the person/organization in the plot is. Stuff like static coming from digital media and then them magically enhancing the picture tend to piss me off. Why the hell do they need to enhance the

I love when AV club reviews cease being actual reviews and become a social commentary about the relevance of the show in this day and age. That being said last night's show was god damn hilarious and probably the funniest thing I'll see on TV this year. Yes you're a loser if you're going out and protesting against

I bet you make lots of witty banter with those people don't you Librarian

I agree poop, putting Leno on basically cut off the prime time lead ins that gave The Tonight Show the jump in the ratings. I doubt this is the end of the problem and wouldn't be surprised when later this NBC shakes things up in Late night again because of the crap they tried to fill in the giant hole they used to

NBC never 'forced' Leno out, he decided to retire back in the early 2000's, after the contract for Conan was drawn up and signed locking in Conan for the next Tonight Show host, Leno changed his mind and they gave him prime time as an alternative.

Leno has the same comic value as the same old lady librarian who bitches at you for returning a book a day late. He's alway gotten his ratings from old people watching primetime and being too lazy to switch the channel.

Ahh the wonders of remakes, I can't wait to see the pile of crap this produces. God knows the only thing worse than destroying a good franchise to reboot it in 3D would be if Spielberg announced he was proceeding with his Will Smith Oldboy Remake in 3D.