
In other news, Jim Morrison could drunkenly rant about killing his father and having sex with his mother on The End but he couldn't say "She gets high" on Break on Through.

The way you described this show the first thing that came into my mind was the pawn shop in pulp fiction

In other news, I can write out novels faster than Oscar Wilde could create his own unique ones with original ideas and characters.

Man alive, are we going to criticize Breaking Bad for unrealistically portraying the drug trade next?

Flip around between HBO and all the other movie channels every two minutes tonight and you'll probably see something close to it, if not it will be just as coherent.

This is the ramblings of a madman…

At some point Tarantino said he wanted to direct a bond film, I'd be more interested in seeing that then anything nolan put out

Having him on CYE is a little weird because his everyday persona already seeps into his acting all the time (atleast thats what I've gathered by listening to the XFM show).

How often has your sandworm gone in search of spice?

Best case scenario: They cast Paul Reubens as the Riddler.

The times are a-changing
Bob Dylan is next

The change that ruined the simpsons:

The problem with Abrams is that he can only do gimmicks, but he can do those gimmicks really well. One can only imagine the "shocking (shallow)" plot twists and "ground-breaking (nauseating)" camera work he'll bring to this project which will draw praise from every nerd sitting in his mom's basement with a bowl of

Between this article and the fact that I now have to work at part time my summer has been completely destroyed, should I just blow my brains out now?

There's absolutely nothing wrong with character development, adding emotional weight makes me more attached to the show.

Method acting is the film industry's answer to all-natural medicine, when a film is successful they use it as an example of it's worth, when it isn't everyone claims that he/she didn't get into the role enough.

One of the mainstays of pixar movies that had me buying tickets regardless of what I thought going into it was the fact that it was never a sequel and always an independent movie.

I probably jumped the gun on the decision front, but I just find it ridiculous that Comedy Central expressed no concern about the episode till the absolute last minute.

Something smells fishy
You're telling me that for a whole week after the last episode including with the death threats Comedy Central made no communication with Matt and Trey regarding backing off and suddenly out of the blue censored the episode. We all know South park is made on a relatively quick schedule (like 2-3

Eh say what you want, the original Terminator was great and they gave him, a guy who's entire directorial resume consisted on reading CSU graduate thesises, the special effects for Escape from New York (gotta love the glow in the dark tape for computer sequences), and a B-movie sequel, the chance to direct.