
I forget the exact wording or whoever the fuck says it in "The Late Shift" but some guy says to Letterman "You're not getting the Carson tonight show, you're getting damaged goods" in regards to Leno fucking up the tonight show, and I think the exact same thing applies to this whole shitstorm. NBC's Late night was

I think the problem with the simpsons is that its competition has disappeared and there's nothing but a steaming pile of shit on TV now as a result. There used to be a time where the episodes would be driven by the core cast of characters and the guest stars would occasionally appear as a secondary character. Now all

A free pass is when the actor brings out notable performance despite all other aspects of the movie sucking, a good analogy to this would be the Blue Jays pitcher Halladay; despite the rest of the team being little league quality and quite frequently costing the team the game Halladay quite frequently tries his

Yes lets add more meaningless and increasingly ridiculous relationships to the show to take away from the medical mysteries. That will definitely fix the problem…

side note: I love how the show has changed from good medical mysteries to stupid ass diagnoses for stupid ass characters

Have foreman and 13 tie the knot only to retract it half way into the next season by writing in a big event so that somebody acts completely out of character.

Leon brought the ruckus
To Michael Richard's ass. Its god damn funny to see Michael making a mockery of his own career derailing moment.

Why is this not under ad?
I can think of nothing worse than passing off shameless product promotion as news.

Why is this not under ad?
I can think of nothing worse than passing off shameless product promotion as news.

I dunno what horse you rode in on, but in a whole season House fails to create anywhere near the amount of humor CYE produces in five minutes.

they typically shovel everything in near the end of the season and it works out great, AKA The Producers story arc. I'm fairly certain I'd rather have a season of CYE with a few Seinfeld style episodes like we've had so far rather than a long drawn out seinfeld filled season where the humor was compromised to bring

Was I only one who thought that I was just watching Free Willzyx with a spin on japanese?

Its a damn shame corporate relations had to bill this as "the wrong direction" for microsoft, and not as "a complete and utter clusterfuck TV show written by complete hacks". In a completely unrelated note can we expect to see a Tom green variety show from microsoft soon?

Jerry is definitely adapting well to the scriptless style of CYE. He works incredibly well as a foil to Larry, he agrees with him on most issues and yet isn't willing to deal with it like Larry does. His sharper wit often lets him get away with jabs like the 'go with your gut' line that would more often than not

Oldboy ends with the implication that the main character is going to keep fucking his hot daughter, also he lacks a tongue

Didn't they learn from the seinfeld commercial that attaching the windows name to something that has nothing to do with windows looks incredibly stupid?

This episode was a helluva lot better this week than last week, but jesus h christ it was still pretty bad. The cop gag dragged on way too far to the point where it just seemed like filler and weakened the payoff at the end. The acorn gag would have been more funny if it wasn't the main point of attack for the

He wanted the Curb your enthusiasm theme playing right after "Forget it jake, its chinatown"

It almost seems like this whole thing is a knee jerk reaction to Taub leaving in one scene, rather than just having 13 quietly leave stage left lets shit on an entire episode which quite sadly is the best one this season.

What was the point of the whole 13 subplot?
either she comes back or she doesn't, they already killed off a minor actress who overstayed her welcome