
I had the exact same feeling when the car pulled up… Leon's absence was particularly disappointing because I was looking forward to Larry and Leon discussing the merits of cheating

Gone are the good old days of a solid medical mystery
and instead we're now dabbling in toppling dictators and assassination plots.

Fake ending…
The imagination sequences were hilarious, getting a glimpse at Larry's dream world of a seinfeld reunion then having it come smashing down in jerry's office with everybody chewing him out was damn hilarious. It just goes to show that behind all his pessimism and negativity Larry's character is an

Kill Bill 3: Weekend at Bill's

Ahh Ontario the magical center of the universe. unlike Ontario, Alberta doesn't have magical ER lines that change on the basis of everyone else's problems, it does cost $300 to use an ambulence, and we don't have willy wonka's MRI factorywhere people work round the clock on MRIs.

You missed the part about 6 month wait time for MRIs, I don't know about you Mr. Belvedere, but I'd rather be broke and have my cancer treated then be a rich man and be told that I have 3 months to live

I never really had a problem with Mr Moore or his films till I saw Sicko, infact I was even willing to take in some of his information, but being a Canadian and living in a health care system where women have had a miscarriage on several different occasions waiting for an open bed in the only city in North America

I've pointed out time and time again to the family while watching the show that House has just devolved into a circle of 'House has a problem with drugs, House re-evalutes/changes his life to try and get a girl he's interested in, House realizes these changes don't work/make him less of a doctor, House finds solace in

I'm becoming more and more afraid that aspect ratios are going the way of the dinosaur and eventually we'll all end up with 'movielike' 16:9