
I've always followed the "All rock operas are concept albums, but not all concept albums are rock operas" line of thought.

Really? 2-year obsolescence? iPhone 4 was released in 2010. It runs iOS 7 (still the latest officially-released software version). As an owner of an iPhone 4 myself, it runs it with minimal issues. The 4s, which was released in 2011, will be supported by iOS 8, which will likely be around until mid-to-late 2015.

I suppose that's true, and some of the obvious ones ("All Of My Love", "Nobody's Fault But Mine", "Stairway to Heaven") it may not be such a big deal. But I remember having a friend in high school who once went on and on about what a great track "The Ocean" was, and it honestly wasn't until maybe 3-4 years ago that I

My only comment: it's not "currently in the midst". The Christian right is ALWAYS looking for something (whereas your comment seems to imply that this is a recent change). My parents' church at one point called for a protest of K-Mart. The reason? K-Mart also owned Waldenbooks, which sold Playboy.

While we all agree that Kushnir is a whackjob, can we agree that Kerr and her "racist against homosexuals" (which she says repeatedly during the segment) doesn't come off as much more intelligent? Homosexuality is not a race, so something can't be "racist against homosexuals".

Having grown up in a no-rock household (generally speaking, the loudest things got was the guitar solo from the Carpenters' version of "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft"), I rebelled by listening to a lot of "classic rock" radio (before Clear Channel owned music(™). As a funny side effect, I find that I know

Really, all they need is hologram shorts that are entirely too short for anyone under the age of 14 to be wearing.

I think the only reason they're coming out now is because Brian is starting to doubt if he and Roger will manage to outlive Rod Stewart, which could be the only stumbling block in releasing the original "Let Me Live" duet. (Just taking guesses here.)

The thing is, pretty much every hardcore Queen fan has known about these three duets for ages. And most of us probably already have "State of Shock" and "There Must Be More To Life Than This" in our collections.

Pretty much. They bought their way out of shitty contracts before they had any huge hits (A Night At The Opera was their first under new management, I believe, but because of the agreement they still had to credit B Feldman & Co with publishing), they made their labels foot the bill for ridiculous parties ("Let Me

I kind of liked the bits where they reused snippets of vocals, because they were fairly obvious about it. I mean, you know in the hours-upon-hours of vocal outtakes, they could've found a couple of adlibbed phrases to drop in here and there, but they went with stuff that would be an obvious callback to an earlier

Really? I thought Another World was pretty good, considering it was cobbled together from, like, three different album ideas. Or were you calling Starfleet Project his first solo album (which, technically….)? He is about due for another solo album, though: Roger just had one come out not too long ago. Still haven't

I've never been able to find it again, but there had been an interview with Freddie at one point where he was talking about all the various bass players they had before John came in, and at one point he says "As long as there's at least 3 of us together, it's still Queen."

If they ever go on tour with a hologram Freddie, I hope to god they'll do the right thing, and just have the hologram stripping for the whole show.

So, we can be pretty sure we'll see "There Must Be More To Life Than This", and possibly "State of Shock" get official releases. Will we finally get to hear "Victory", though?

Wow…well, that sucks. I'd say bring in Roy Thomas Baker, then, but…they need somebody who will be ballsy enough to tell them when they've got a shit idea, not somebody that says "we can pile more shit on top of this, and if we do enough, it'll sound amazing". (I truly feel the best producers they worked with were

I will defend Made In Heaven to the end of my days. Yes, a fair amount of it was recycled, but you can clearly hear that a lot of work went into that album, and it feels very thematically coherent (which I worry this one won't be). It genuinely felt like a complete album, and anybody who says "they just recorded over

Is that honestly a real thing? Because that reaches "awesomely bad" territory if it is.

After Rocks, every album has had maybe a half-dozen good tracks anyway, so they might as well start releasing EPs only.

You know….you kid, but we'll ultimately know the studios are just fucking with us when they start releasing Amalgam movies. And when "Legend of the Dark Claw" winds up being better than any Wolverine solo movie has been.