
'Tis a sad day indeed when fans can no longer raw dog in the stalls at Motorhead shows.

Audiobooks, for me, are a perfect way to get some "reading" in while trying to take care of lots of other shit. I mean, it's like if you could read a book and cook supper or work on dishes at the same time, why wouldn't you?

I really thought I'd enjoy Neil Peart narrating the "Clockwork Angels" audiobook…..but then again, I assumed he'd sound a little more excited to read a piece of fiction that he co-wrote. He just reads it with about the same level of enthusiasm as one would assume he reads his own lyrics.

It actually makes me think of a recording I had of Douglas Adams reading selections from "Hitchhiker's Guide" before a live audience. He says at the beginning, "I really can only do 4 voices: posh quiet, posh loud, less posh quiet, and less posh loud. And Australian."

I'm honestly not sure how nerdy Hardwick truly is (though he was a good moderator at SDCC) - Nerdist kind of took off with minimal involvement from him it seems. Felicia, however, took a really hands-on approach to Geek & Sundry, and it really reflects her sensibilities. A lot of their posts on Facebook are

One that's always bugged me was "Sheer Heart Attack" by Queen. Popular convention says the track was a stab at the punk scene, but musically the band had already done the speedy chugging riffs twice by that point: "Modern Times Rock n Roll" and "Stone Cold Crazy", both released before the Pistols came on the scene.

My class actually had it's own class song written by a couple of guys in the class, who sold cassettes of it, and put together a band to play it at our graduation. It was '98, so of course it was a ska song.

Every time you call Carman "Christian rock", some of the truly great Christian rock bands cry. Compare:

How did this not make the slot for #2?

Would that be "We gather together to watch cheesy movies…" ?

So, I had to stop and do the math, but: trying to raise $2M with minimum $50,000 investments? That sounds like the band estimates they have 40 fans.

Honestly, I thought this was just accepted knowledge, as it was alluded to by Reese in the first film- "The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human… sweat, bad breath, everything."

Let's not fool ourselves, guys…..this isn't an attempt to take over the world: this is just Korea's latest step towards breaking away from KFC as we know it and turning their restaurants into what we really want: Doublemeat Palace.

"Aside from the breading, its a shitty Atkins meal people were jizzing over years ago."

Far more confounding was the ridiculous "we'll air it in it's entirety the first time, and every time after that is cut for time" strategy.

Smokey and the Bandit 3: Frankenstein Is The Monster

There's actually an amazing Hitomi Tanaka porn which, while not real tentacles, it is certainly live-action, and the puppetry involved in making the tentacles move in a believable fashion is incredible.

I always sort of pair this film and CSA: The Confederate States of America together for a movie night of enlightenment and self-loathing.

The indoor antenna I built myself works better than even the most expensive outdoor antenna my landlord will allow me to put up (i.e. I'm not allowed to install a mast), but living around 60 miles away from Indianapolis (home to the nearest broadcast affiliates), pretty much all I get is the local PBS station and

Low-power local stations (read: religious stations) were the only exemption from the HD switch-over, I believe. And I'm pretty sure that was only a temporary reprieve rather than a full-on exemption.