
When I was in high school, I had a dream once that I had peed my bed, so I woke up totally embarrassed, only to discover that I hadn't yet, but before I could get out of bed, I'd peed it, only to wake up again and discover I was still in a dry bed, about to wet it, which I did before I could get out of bed, except

It's not limited to millennials, sadly. I tried to hook up with a guy older than me once. After about the fifth time I answered his "so, where u at?" while I was trying to pin down the details (where, when, etc), I just gave up. I was just thinking, "really? I've told you several times what side of town I'm on, and

Meanwhile, Mike Love prepares a lawsuit against Billy Corgan….

Upvoted for comment/user name symmetry.

Although there was one fantastic episode where Funshine excuses himself from the proceedings by saying "I've gotta go do……something bears do in the woods."

So, am I the only one who genuinely enjoyed the '98 flick? Yes, it's terrible, but it's terrible in all the right ways.

Part of the appeal of DSotM is that it's so sterile. Every song is just downright clinical in it's execution, performance and production. What better way to explore a loss of sanity than in the cleanest environment possible? That way it's impossible to chalk anything interesting/different up to being a studio

5 versions now. Don't forget the post-Wright, Hawking-led era.

You know….say what you will, but it's a welcome alternative to bands breaking up and then 5 years later saying "Oh, no, we really weren't broken up- we just took a few years off from each other." Besides- what remains (remained?) of Floyd kind of had to do this after Waters made what I suppose is now seen as the

I Am Legend: Of Curly's Gold

I really should give Vonnegut another shot at some point. I tried reading Slaughterhouse Five a couple of years ago, but unfortunately I was also off of my antidepressants/anti-anxiety meds at the time due to financial issues, and spent my worst days alternately confining myself to bed or cowering in the corner of my

My previous residence, I had to endure Comcast- the internet dropped constantly. Literally. Like, multiple times a day, the modem would just fucking totally reset itself. This went on for 6 months. The first half a dozen times I called, I was told "there's some on-going service in your area"…after a few days of that,

I always got "Oh, like Ryan O'Neal, from Love Story." Yes. Yes, exactly like Ryan O'Neal from a fucking sappy movie that came out almost a full decade before I was born. Still, I suppose it's better than the constant conversation upon meeting someone for the first time: "Brian, or Ryan?" "It's Ryan." "Oh, ok. So,

It just makes me miss Horsefellow.

Why? Are you saying NBC is finally moving ahead with season 2 of Prime Suspect, starring Maria Bello's hat?

Too soon, man. Too soon.

Are you implying there are people who DON'T love Rob Paulsen?

It really reads more as an "I apologize for being misconstrued" than anything, I thought.

The best part about getting those free AOL CDs? You got the updated version of WinAmp without spending the time to download it on your shitty dial-up connection.