
Yes. Plus an animated film.

Really wishing they would have just gone for it and had Will Smith randomly pop up to say "I came here tonight to hear the crowd go…"

K-PXKCHHHHUUU was nearly chosen, but then they realized they might have to show that Kevin Spacey movie every weekend. Again.

We had a decent little volley going on there for a bit. It's almost like we can't stop this thing we started.

Holy crap. That was amazing. Please tell me they're using that trailer as a springboard to raise more funding to actually finish the movie.

We've always been at War with Original First Supergroup Asia.

I honestly hadn't thought about that song at all until reading your response. And now, it's stuck. Thanks.

I couldn't give you more than a cursory knowledge of the Sleeping Beauty plot. Couldn't sing a single song from the movie. But, good god, is the animation amazing.

It's good, it's certainly one of the best (but I will not say the best) in the so-called "second renaissance". But, as with anything, it long ago hit its saturation point: that point where something becomes so popular that it becomes "popular" and "trendy" (as we used to call "hipsters" back in the day) to dislike it.

I'm generally not a big fan of radio edits, or trimming what a musician/band thought of as a single coherent idea down to a 3:30-4 minute song for "increased airplay".

Well, he did get caught counting cards. So there's at least something he's not great at.

Once Upon a Game of Thrones?

Honestly, if I'd been my current age when Buffy first came out, and I was trying to watch it as it aired, I doubt I'd have made it to "The Puppet Show", which was honestly the first episode where I said to myself "yeah…they know how bad this has been so far", which encouraged me to finish out the season. It's funny,

I fully expected a half-season slog getting into this show, as Whedon seems to revel in setting up a status quo and then demolishing it once you seem to have decided the show simply will never be anything else. (Don't pretend the first half of Buffy season 1 was anything more than a slog. But nobody would argue that

If Hulu Plus was actually a "plus" (eg, "all the stuff on the free website PLUS some stuff exclusive to the Hulu app PLUS no commercials in either"), I would happily pay for that. Hell- I'd pay even with commercials in my TV shows, presuming I had access to everything on the site through my Plus app.

Once upon a time, Bucky was on that list too, Just sayin'….

Great song, yes, but I say with no hint of irony at all that Shatner did it better.

I think you're both right there. I believe he had scoliosis as well as severe ulcers.

When she said that she and the rest of the classic line-up of Hole had jammed together one afternoon, and she turned that into "We're totally reuniting and doing a new album and a tour and everything."

I think I finally figured out specifically what the overwhelming issue with post-Pinkerton Weezer this weekend. I'd made a playlist of a bunch of tracks from various Weezer albums, and "Ruling Me" from Hurley came up while I was driving around. Is it a good song? Sure. Is it a good Weezer song? Not really.