
I've heard Three Feet High is amazing, but I wasn't into hip hop at all when it came out, and haven't been able to check it out in the past 3-4 years since I started caring. Definitely getting in on this.

I absolutely love the show, but agreed- Josh Radnor is pretty much the only weak link in the thing, and I will admit to spending the first four seasons saying "why the fuck are they hanging out with him?"

You had me at "Shai LaBeouf steals Macklemore".

I would assume this is something modern show runners try to avoid for fear of backlash- it seems like such an old-fashioned idea now, the wacky neighbor (or just in general a guest character that becomes a recurring character). It almost feels like it comes from that line of thought that every sitcom needs a good

Good to know I'm genuinely not getting nostalgic when I tell my kids how much better the radio was in the mid 90s.

The song isn't exclusively about that (although it's great to hear that song and know that "astronaut wearing a diaper" will be a cultural reference for decades), but is a terrific, if somewhat painful song to listen to. I've shared this before, but that album came out while my marriage was falling apart (I fucked

In her defense, the edits required to bring it down to an R rating actually made the violence far more brutal. The unrated version extends those scenes to such extreme lengths that it really almost becomes cartoon-like.

You wouldn't shoot a policeman and then steal his helmet, would you?

Dammit, Jay See- you just bummed me out and ruined a perfectly good morning.

Why would you NOT want to watch a TATU video?

I keep expecting, for some reason, to click on a news story about "Russian punk band/activist group Pussy Riot" and actually see a video clip of them playing a song or something.

Their latest vocalist, however, has issued a statement saying that the whole band is sorry for what happened, and is disappointed in the cover of their last album, but they'll try to do better in the futu….

I caught part of that ACL show. The few White Stripes tracks that he played just really seemed to be lacking something, and I can't help but think it's due to the lack of Meg. You know…it's kind of like when you hear a band talk about "there was this song that we recorded, and the first take was just really on fire,

The prog/metal fan in me is "first four", but the alternative/hard rock fan in me loves the shit out of the black album, and realizes that there's 1 really good album between Load/Re-Load.

I loved the fact that she held him back so much. I mean, any group of super-talented musicians can drop an album that's musically exciting. But the fact that she was just constantly barely hanging in there on every track, and you could almost feel him constantly encouraging her just really made their albums feel

No shit, but Velveeta is stocked in the Ethnic Foods aisle around here. I constantly joke with my wife that it truly is the food of "our people" (lower-middle class white folk).

You know, I want to kind of point and laugh at them just for being Survivor, but…damn if they don't have a point by saying "and when Sony threatened to pull our music, it proved that they've basically licensed it". And I tend to hate Sony anyway, so…I guess I'll be interested in this case. At least until it gets

But was it anywhere as horrible/painful as the "Captain EIEIO" comic that appeared in Disney Adventure magazine, and featured Weird Al? Because, man….that was bad.

It's on my list of places I have to visit before I die. Especially if I can somehow manage to get a tour of the old Animation building while in California.

Upvoted, but only because I read it in Cookie's voice.