
The one that sticks out in my memory the most was the time that the Grammy's cut off Sinatra's acceptance speech, which was later (and awesomely) called out by none other than Billy Joel, who stopped his performance of "River of Dreams" mid-song, and spent a seemingly endless period of time chanting "valuable

Really? We're now to this point, where we can't even admit that Red State was a good flick, even if he did kind of cheat by basically giving us 3 good beginnings to different films all telling the same story, stitched together?

This will now make it even harder to sit through the Lumic episodes of Doctor Who. Or maybe now I can focus more attention on him, and hopefully distract myself from the Cybermen stomping around shouting "DELETE!!" like second-rate Daleks.


Even before I knew that whole side of the story, I thought it was just a weird movie- not necessarily bad, but certainly not good by any stretch of the imagination. You know…one of those that you can't really ever say "well, that pulled me out of the movie", because between the ridiculous set pieces and being able to

Thank you for recognizing that this man should honestly just have a whole career of nothing but WWII-era popcorn movies. Dammit, somebody needs to make them, and he's the best there is.

Oh, wait…we don't like Muse? [updates his playlist to reflect this new-found knowledge] So, umm..what was the most Queen-like album of the past decade, then? Or is that not a popular sound?

I think we've got something here. Especially if the following movies can be "Twilight New Moon of the Planet of the Apes" and "Twilight Breaking Dawn of the Planet of the Apes".

There was also (though I can't for the life of me remember the name of the thing) a non-fiction counterpart. It was narrated by the same guy that does the opening voiceover for all American L&Os, used the same fonts and sounds, produced by Dick Wolf, but it was exclusively actual footage from various trials.

I was never a huge fan of AbFab, but always wound up watching it anyway. Oddly enough, I fell asleep during one of those endless AbFab marathons once, woke up in the middle of an episode of French and Saunders, and was floored by how hilarious it was.

I'm gonna have to say Fifth Element is not shown enough. It is absolutely at the top of "have to stop and watch when I come across it while channel surfing" list.

I was itching my nose as I was reading this story, and as a result, my glasses were placed funny temporarily. I read the end of the first sentence as "…following a long struggle with career." At any rate, it's definitely a sad day when we lose the man who took the time to archive so much that so many had tried to

There is. Believe me- my kids constantly streaming each of the (40ish?) 5 minute episodes of "Angry Birds Toons" will attest to that. Just because the television landscape has changed doesn't mean that some things aren't exactly the same.

I started wearing a fedora about 6 or 7 years ago, when I determined it was the only hat that actually looks good on me. Of course, I was pretty well fucked when everybody else started wearing them. How do you say "I don't wear a fedora because it's popular- I was wearing it before everyone else was" without

In fairness, Five Iron's output is roughly 1/3 overtly about God, 1/3 goofy songs about absolutely nothing (see: "When I Go Out", "The Phantom Mullet"), and 1/3 overtly political songs (and not at all in a right-wing kind of way). Here's another track from the very same album that "Cannonball" is on:

I'm thrilled to see I'm not the only person who appreciates Last Chance to See. Even as a raving, rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth fan of Hitchhiker's in all it's incarnations, and a bit of an obsessive when it comes to anything else Adams' wrote, there is nothing else that he wrote, and little else have I read in general,

Ok, everybody- I was wrong. I said it'd be 3 weeks before we hit this point.

Of course, given the discussion, I feel compelled to point out that Johnny was declared an honorary member of Christian punk band One Bad Pig, and even contributed vocals to their cover of "Man In Black".

I'm gonna just go ahead and go to bat for MxPx here. Sure, you've got the bullshit like "Responsibility" and "Party, My House, Be There" (which, to be fair, any pop-focused skate punk band could have written, Christian or not), but then you can also pull out tracks like "Americanism", or "Fist Vs Tact", which