
I've always found it a little awkward that "gay" and "queer" can be used to describe any homosexual individual irregardless of gender, while "lesbian" is strictly reserved for women and there is, to my knowledge, no socially-acceptable male equivalent.

I was at a drag show the other night with my wife (a benefit for her department at work, which is AIDS case management and community support), and the organizer/master of ceremonies/one of the performers started complaining to us in conversation about some issues he was having getting sponsorship for the event. He

Wow….I'm by no means a Smiths fan (never really saw the appeal), and I can't help but view Morrissey as a raging douche of douchetacular proportions, but I would absolutely purchase and listen to the entire audio book if performed by Serafinowicz like this.

Can we please agree that Prince Lune is black, rather than dark grey, so we can get The Cat Returns on this list, too?

Jubilee's anguished cry of "What kind of freak am I, mom?" still gets referenced around my house, so there is that.

Does this mean that Generation X has FINALLY been picked up?!

To be fair, NCIS has been kinda shitty this season so far. I keep waiting for a big step-up, but they seem intent on dragging out this whole "Ziva's gone"/"there's some insane worldwide conspiracy against NCIS" arc as long as possible, if not longer.

I was just listening to "Twist and Shout" yesterday, and noticed something for the first time- I'm convinced the song is a success solely because of Lennon's enthusiasm in the vocals.
Sonicly, the instrumental track is fairly muffled when compared to what Martin was capable of, and the backing vocals just have no

Even though people swear to me that that's not the case, @avclub-2ea667a5830b59ba21bcd2315ddc2014:disqus, I still firmly believe Caillou is in chemo. Really, the whole "4-year old with cancer" angle is the only way to explain how his family has such a nice living space, and yet neither one ever seems to be working.

I don't know if I should be amused or worried, but I read that in Carl Kasell's voice.

Pretty much the entirety of Evangelion (the series, at least- not necessarily the movies) is Shinji slowly losing his shit, going from [SPOILERS] "Hey…my dad that never wants to see me suddenly wants to see me" to "Hey…I kinda like this girl, but she seems to want my dad" to "Holy shit….this girl looks a lot like my

Shouldn't we include "Dark Side Of The Moon"?  You know…the one that's literally about a man's descent into madness?

Can't make any specific claims regarding pineapple, but there was a week once where I was drinking a whole lot of sweet tea (brewed at home, sweetened with real sugar), and was eventually told by a woman who that my cum (come? ejaculate? seminal fluid?) "tastes like vanilla".

I loved 'Heart of Gold'.  'Bushwhacked', though, is a pretty forgettable episode.  It has a lot of important stuff, but is not nearly as memorable as…..well, pretty much every other episode in a pretty fantastic run.

@avclub-3da678392d5ac1ff456fe6e06354fdef:disqus (and anyone else) - you can check out samples from (and purchase) all their albums on their website:

Pretty sure someone in casting is looking at Hugo Weaving.  Because he doesn't have his name attached to enough franchises yet.

Surely you chest.

"Son of a bitch" was exactly my reaction upon reading this.  I was literally JUST listening to The Pogues, and in fact "Thousands Are Sailing".  (I tend to get into a very "remember your roots" mode every fall, which inevitably winds up with listening to not much more than The Pogues and a regional folk group called

Sounds like a fantastic idea for a sitcom, @avclub-9b60cf1b2106f886f17cba2b1a0359b9:disqus .  We should pitch that to a network, assuming this guest turn takes off.

*goes off to search Rule 34 for similar images*