

I've got to stuck up for TAL here.  First of all, I don't think it belongs on a list of podcasts at all.  It's a public radio show that they release in the form of a podcast.  Maybe that's splitting hairs, but I think it matters, because their mission statement and scope is completely different from anything else on

I concur with the above entirely.  But the fact that he gave it up when he did makes me respect him even more.


Many of his earlier albums are pretty easy to find on vinyl as well, in anyone swings that way. Still have my dad's copy of the Popeye soundtrack which is great. He claims I identified those songs as Nilsson's when I was 4 or something. So I've got that going for me.

In defense of ICP, diet soda isn't sugary at all, hence the diet. And yeah, it is easier to clean up, but that's no excuse to waste all the precious Faygo.

I don't disagree about Let's Kill Saturday Night, but "Night Accident" is one of the best songs I've ever heard. Listen to is again and tell me I'm wrong.

Haven't read the bible
but I have seen The Usual Suspects. there is no fucking way this is real. is there? this is funnier than anything on SNL in the last decade easily.

I think that line is
"World Series champs we'll be"

I like it. It's essentially "Do You Realize" without the pretension, production values, or anything resembling a clue. Is is possible to be ignorant and curious at the same time?

don't know why
but watching this I got the idea to start a terrible band call Black Strat. we'll sound like these guys except we'll get a drummer that can keep time.

a request

heard Herzog interviewed
and he explicitly stated that this is not a remake. the producer or someone owned the rights to the title Bad Lieutenant and was hoping to start a franchise. Herzog fought against using the title.

Calvin never pissed on anything. Watterson never licensed the images, but more importantly, those Calvin pissing on Ford stickers that hillbillies put on their Chevys hardly even look like Calvin. There were some unlicensed shirts with actually C and H images on them— I had one when I was too young to

First, thanks for a fun year Nathan, I got hooked pretty quickly. I'm glad MYOF is sticking around as a monthly post.

that is the best
description of Temple of Doom I've ever read.

all good questions. I for one want answers.

please go on. I don't know where my copy of Palm Sunday is.

I remember reading
that K.V. didn't really like this book. Somewhere he graded all his work and I think he gave BoC a D.

did anyone else think
that House looked near tears in the promo for next week? When he said "You're fired" I mean.