
The Bash Brothers
Long live the Bash Brothers! Some doctor needs to perfect the surrogate father technology from Twins. Canseco, McGuire, Bonds, and , hell, Ozzie Canseco could be the fathers. Any interested ladies out there?

For the record
This show fascinates me. Let's try to find a "great" band by having them play Elton John and Billy Joel songs. Good idea. The Corrs would be a perfect fit for this format. Or Maroon 5. Or fucking Fall Out Boy. The Radioheads, Pavements, and Arcade Fires of the world wouldn't stand a chance. (not

possibly converted
I never had any desire to see this movie, but I find the description in this blog fascinating. I think it belongs in the "must be seen to be believed" category.

I need
to find the old Adam Sandler cd where Nealon plays the hypnotist who keeps farting and using the hypnosis to convince Sandler to quit smoking and believe that he is the one passing gas. It was genius when I was fifteen.